Wednesday, December 15, 2021

One Last Time

I probably won’t make another top 10 list for Random Encounters, but Bendy and the Wolf was awesome.

When Catherine O'Hara wasn't in Oogie's Revenge, she was replaced by Kath Soucie. When she wasn't in the 2021 Halloween concert, she was replaced by Billie Eilish and Weird Al. That was a choice. It looked like they were all having fun. I especially like that Greg was wearing a fez. Seeing Ken Page on stage singing Oogie's Song reminded me of when he played the Walrus in Adventures in Wonderland. Greg even got to be Santa.

The cantina taco is hands-down the best taco I've ever had. I got the black bean version, and it was amazing! Once the Doritos Loco Taco came out, I wasn't going to eat any other hard shell taco ever again (I prefer soft tacos anyway), but this was the exception. 

Ignatz and Manuela got into Fire Emblem Heroes on the holiday banner! Yay! Seriously, though, Santa Athos when?

 I'm having a baby in May, so I'm probably not going to be doing a whole lot from now on.

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