Saturday, January 3, 2015

Kagemiya Sayuri Epilogue

With all the loose ends being wrapped up last time, there was just one more person who needed to be addressed. Don't ask me what grade they'd be in now, though, or if they had to make up the years they'd spent as Nobodies.
When Kagemiya returned to school, a familiar voice called out to her. "Sayuri!"
    "Senpai?" The last time she'd seen Relena, it was as a Nobody who enjoyed tormenting her and the others. This time, however, there didn't seem to be any malice in her voice, and there was a concerned look on her face. Someone must have told her, Kagemiya thought.
    Relena stopped just short of hugging her and looked at her sheepishly. " have you been?"
    "I'm doing better," Kagemiya replied.
    "Did it hurt?"
    "Did what hurt, exactly?"
    "Your heart...what it did."
    "No...not really. It was just so scary."
    Relena remembered being destroyed as a Nobody. "Yeah. Dying is scary..."
    Kagemiya only knew Sora had killed Larxene from what Axel had told her and Zexion. Relena didn't know that Axel had killed Mikage. She decided to change the subject. "You decided to come back to school too?"
    "I don't like leaving things unfinished," Relena answered, "or anything left unsaid. I acted like a total bitch when I thought I didn't have a heart. I didn't think it mattered what I said or did to anyone since they didn't have hearts either."
    "It's okay now," Kagemiya reassured her. "Come on, the bell's about to ring. Let's go."

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