Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Everything Wrong with Nostalgia Critic's Care Bears Nutcracker Review

He originally said he wouldn't review this, but I guess he needed something short and simple this week; like Linkara said, everyone is busy. At the end he said he really was done this time, even though he did use a clip from the new series. I haven't watched that yet and I doubt he will either. I wasn't offended at this, just a little annoyed. These are going to be more like nitpicks, but here's everything I found wrong with it (though most of it was on the nose).
~Don't bring Yen Sid into this. It's bad enough that they didn't come up with original villains (my theories about Dark Heart, No Heart, and the vizier notwithstanding).
~Lotsa's symbol is a weight, not a cowbell. Moo-ron.
~Grumpy exists to empathize with people who are in a bad mood. That's why the series picks on him and gives him reasons to be grumpy. This abuse was noted in the Wonderland movie.
~Getting their own ornament was like Hugs and Tugs' rite of passage or something. I agree that it's stupid and overplayed and nothing really came of it at the end, but there you have it.
~He keeps bringing up dictators and third world problems, even when he acknowledges that these are just characters based on a greeting card series. He also accuses them of being racist because of the blonde, blue-eyed girls who keep popping up in the movies (ignoring the series as a whole, which has a little more diversity than that - true, it's not that multicultural, but that's just the writers and animators doing what they know). My complaint about this is the same one I have about people who are altruistic to a fault. They're too busy trying to take on all the world's problems and ignore their own families in the process. It's happened before in U.S. history too; focus too much on foreign policy and the domestic front suffers, and then people vote to change presidents. Care Bears wouldn't fare well against dictators, anyway; they can barely handle evil wizardly opponents. They can't make food and water magically appear, either, at least I don't think so. They're more like babes in the woods themselves. Saying stuff like that is asking too much of them, of anybody. There's no quick fix for changing the way people feel either; it's not that simple, nor is it permanent.

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