Sunday, December 14, 2014

Angels in Flight

The Monopoly mini game in Birth By Sleep is a way to level up your skills and get spells. It's sort of ridiculous but in a fun way. You don't have to win to get your stuff. From a story-telling perspective, Aqua is very good and will win most of the time until Ven whines and they let him win. Terra would probably flip the table if he lost too many times, though. Queen Minnie's not very good at it, but it's heartbreaking to watch her cry afterward. I like to play against Cinderella, even if I lose. I don't like to see her unhappy either. I like Terra when he's happy too. That's why I like his part of the story in Cinderella's world the most.
A couple of things that Braig says in the new cutscene disturbs me. "This was a pain to set up"? So were all these setbacks part of the plan or not? Does he not feel sorry about what he got the others into like how he sounded in the flashback from the beginning of 3D? "Who's the lucky pick?" If you don't know by now, you're a moron, dude. Isa is the only one who looks like you as a "half-Xehanort." And if he looked like his normal self with his uniform and short hair, then I guess Xehanort took his heart all over again for him to revert back to Xigbar for 3D. With Isa we couldn't tell since he was still wearing the coat and didn't look any different anyway.
Speaking of disturbing (well, not really), Christopher Lee's metal Christmas albums. Holy crap.

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