Monday, January 19, 2015


The trial story focused on the trial and less on some more of the aftermath of escaping that I'd originally had planned. It's not a revenge fic - I would never kill Axel. Except for his team-kills at Castle Oblivion, I actually do like him. Here's an extended part of the beginning in Zexion's room:

 As soon as Zexion fell asleep, Mikage took out her sewing kit and set to work mending his coat. "If only mending you were this easy," she sighed. She knew that while Zexion's physical wounds would heal in a matter of days, he had some new mental scars to add to his original ones. That's two more guardians he's lost. There's no way he can take much more. We'll be looking over our shoulders for the rest of our days.
Zexion became restless and woke up suddenly, breathing heavily; he tried to sit up but recoiled in pain. Mikage was there immediately to calm him down. After looking around the room for a moment, he said, "It wasn't all a nightmare, was it."
"I'm afraid not," Mikage replied. "I'm sorry."
"What do you have to be sorry for? You got us back here safely."
"A promise is a promise."
Zexion looked away. "I miss them," he murmured.
"I do too, though you were closer to them than I was. But you're still not alone."
"That's right. Then they'll be in my...Oh." He touched his chest where his heart should have been. "I don't have one. So why am I still acting like I do?"
"Limbic system?" Mikage guessed.
"Yeah, something like that." Zexion sighed, conflicted as to what he should believe.
"Try to go back to sleep."
"I'll just keep having the same bad dream. It's not a first for me, but it hasn't happened in a really long time. Now that Lexaeus isn't around..." His voice trailed off as he remembered all the times Lexaeus/Aeleus had comforted him during the night.
Mikage tried to cheer him up. "Well, you've still got me and Xaldin and even Xigbar."
Zexion made a face. "Xigbar's no help."
"He might just surprise you. After all, he seemed very concerned about you earlier."
Although he was loathe to admit it, he knew that it was true. In his own way, Xigbar cared about him, and so had Vexen. Xemnas, however, was not the type of person to show him any kindness; the best thing he could do in his eyes would be to recover quickly and continue Vexen's work. "I know I can't leave, and I don't really want to, but I don't know if I can do this anymore," he said quietly. "I just have no interest in what Vexen was doing, not that he ever let me in on any of it beyond giving me his reports to type up. But those weren't his current notes."
Mikage looked concerned. "Do you think Xemnas will make you go back there and get them?"
"Probably. If he does, he won't take no for an answer. He's not going to care that I'm terrified of that place now."
His PTSD... "Someone else should go, even if it's just to accompany you. I'm sure Xaldin and Xigbar would say the same thing."
"But what if they can't convince him?"
"Then I'll sneak out and join you," she determined matter-of-factly.
Zexion's eyes widened. "That'd be...he'd turn you into a Dusk for insubordination!"
"Worth the risk."
"No it isn't!" He held onto Mikage tightly. "I need you, Kage-san..."
Mikage gingerly put her arms around him. "All right. For your sake, I'll try not to break any rules, then. But you have to get more rest, okay?"
"I'd feel a little better if I could put my coat back on," he said self-consciously, clutching his bare arms.
"It's almost done." Mikage returned to her sewing.
"Thank you," he muttered sheepishly. "I left my spare one back at Castle Oblivion."
Once it was finished, she helped him put it back on. "Do you need anything else?"
"No, but don't go anywhere."
"I won't."

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