Monday, February 2, 2015

Goodbye, Monty

Another unexpected death. Just like Joan Rivers, he died during a routine surgery. I guess you don't know what you're allergic to until it happens. I don't know what this will mean going forward, but everyone misses him a lot. They said to do something creative in lieu of flowers, but I don't have any ideas. With Justin it just came to me, but there's nothing I can do that would do his memory any justice. I'm not a brilliant animator like he was; I'm not even a good animator. I'd already talked about him in an article I wrote for Hubpages about fight choreography. I didn't do anything for Robin, either. I was too upset, and it was definitely out of my league to do anything else except talk about it. I didn't have any strong feelings for Joan, though. With Monty, I felt the same hurt as when I lost a family friend, an old woman named Louise who would often come to my elementary school and tell stories. I didn't cry now like I didn't cry then because I knew it was liable to happen (they weren't hopeful when they announced he was in the hospital in critical condition). As far as creativity goes, I did write another Hub article today (I'd written two on the day they announced his condition). And as for the short Kingdom Hearts stories I keep making up, it's usually the result of trying to fall asleep at night. Tonight will be no different, especially with the latest blizzard I'll have to dig myself out of tomorrow. Here's what I'm working on now.

One day when he was five, Ienzo decided he wanted to explore the cavern beneath the castle. "Whoa, you can't go down there. No one's allowed down there," Braig said, trying to stop him.
"Why not?" Ienzo asked.
"Because it's dangerous. There are monsters living down there."
"You also said there were monsters living under my bed at night, and that wasn't true."
"Okay, fair enough, but I'm dead serious this time. Be a good little Ienzo and don't go down there. Ever."
Ienzo looked at him incredulously but walked away from the entrance. He played by himself in the courtyard and waited for Braig to move on before sneaking back over there. He slid down the steep entrance and landed at the bottom. Almost immediately, he regretted his decision. Although he could probably climb back up, he wished he hadn't come alone. Then he saw something moving in the shadows. Five monsters appeared out of the darkness and looked at him curiously. He reached out to touch one of them, but it swiped at him; he jumped out of the way just in time and continued backing up slowly.
Meanwhile, his parents were looking for him. Seeing that he was no longer in the courtyard, Braig realized that he was in the cavern. "So he really didn't believe me, huh? Guess I'm the guy who cried wolf. I'll go in after him."
"It's not your fault," Marian said. "We can't leave him alone for anything."
They found him backed up against a wall but unharmed as far as they could tell. Marian opened her book and cast a spell that made them disperse. "Get him out of here, Braig!" James shouted, drawing his daggers to fight them off.
"You got it." Braig picked up Ienzo and jumped back up the entrance. "Didn't I tell you not to go down there?" he scolded when they were outside. "I know you don't trust me because I joke around a lot, but did you really want to take that chance?"
"I'm sorry," Ienzo said, looking at the ground in shame.
"You should be apologizing to your parents. They were worried sick about you."
His parents joined them momentarily. Marian was spitting mad, but James recognized those creatures and was starting to have serious qualms about their research. "I'll be good and listen from now on," Ienzo apologized when his mother was done yelling.
"You shouldn't have gone down there, son," James agreed. "You're lucky you weren't hurt. Those creatures shouldn't have existed..." He left the punishment to his wife and went with Braig to talk to Ansem about what had happened. Ienzo was sent to bed without supper or a story as a start.
Marian became ill and collapsed in the library. Ienzo ran to get his father, who was in the lab with Even and Ansem. "Dad! Something's wrong with Mom!"
Ansem went with James to tend to Marian while Even kept an eye on Ienzo. "Is she going to be okay?" Ienzo asked worriedly.
"I don't know..." Even replied, thinking about when his mother had fallen ill when he was a child too. "Mama..."
"Even, you're squeezing me..."
"Oh. Sorry."

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