Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Social Link Go!

I noticed a pattern in Persona 4, namely the problems the kids were having (except maybe Yu and Teddie). Chie and Yosuke seemed the most normal, struggling with feelings of self-worth in terms of other people and their surroundings. Yukiko and Rise both wanted to run away from their situations, only to go right back to them in the end. Kanji and Naoto had to learn how to be themselves and accept themselves for who they are and not how society perceives them. If you ask me, Naoto needed some Miss Marple and Jessica Fletcher in her life in addition to the likes of Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot. I wanted to use the ending theme to KNT for something (after passing it up for Justin's tribute video originally), and "To Be Yourself" might be just the message P4 needs.

Season 30 of Survivor pitted different social classes against each other. Joaquin of the white collar tribe reminds me of the boss's son from The IT Crowd. It's been clear for years now, probably the entire time, that a vast majority of the contestants come from California. Anyway, it looks like No Collar has a distinct advantage in attitude whereas the other two tribes, especially the White Collar tribe, are going to eat each other alive. I'm still a little ashamed that I'm even still watching the show, but they keep claiming it's a social experiment. On weeks I can't watch it, I just read the recaps. I'm more interested in the Ponderosa videos toward the end, as they have a more genuine feel to them.

I've found a way around choosing which waffle taco to get. Just get a sausage one and add bacon bits at home. Now, when I eat breakfast at McDonald's, I put the hash brown in my bacon egg and cheese bagel sandwich thanks to the crunchwrap. I wanted to mention this last time but forgot because of engagement issues. I guess I was too late to see if McDonald's white hot chocolate was any good, but it's still too cold for me to want a Shamrock Shake just yet. Stupid, lousy New England winter.

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