Thursday, February 12, 2015


My mom's family did their usual white elephant gift exchange at Christmas, and I ended up with the biography of George Bush allegedly written by his son (I'm sure he had help like the first book he put out). I'm surprised no one thought to get Bill Nye's book since someone got Jon Stewart's book another year. I didn't know much about him since I was a little kid at the time of his presidency, so I decided to give it a chance. As I suspected from my Look-It-Up Book of Presidents, he was a decent President and an even greater man. The book also proved what an ass W can make of himself. I agreed to read this in order to learn more about his father's life, not sit through anecdotes that are all about W. That being said, the episode of Futurama featuring the joke that someone is "vomiting in the Bushes" (head jars) is hilarious.

So we move into the canon R portion of Sailor Moon Crystal. Instead of what happened in the original anime, Koan gets killed by Sailor Moon and Mars gets abducted by Rubeus. I liked it better when the sisters were kept alive.

TJ is the best leader from Power Rangers, even when he isn't the leader. He demonstrated this when he mediated the epic cleaning argument between Cassie and Ashley, and when he knocked out and dragged Andros from the Megazord when the latter tried to go down with the ship. I don't really have much of an opinion about Red Rangers; Jason was okay, Rocky and Aurico won't really the leaders, and Tommy was an attention whore.

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