Saturday, February 21, 2015


These episodes with the Spectre [Dark Moon] Sisters are probably going to be the only chance at character development we're going to see for the Sailor Scouts. Everything you needed to know about Ami was crammed into that episode. It was great, but it still didn't measure up to the episode from R. It was suggested to me that Koan and Berthier might not be dead since Mars and Mercury were still being held captive by their powers when they got abducted (we all know where this is going to end up), but unless they make an appearance soon like the other guys did, I'm still going to assume they got blown up. Also, Chibi Ami was so cute!

I haven't given much in the way of character descriptions for Kagemiya/Mikage or Ienzo's parents in any of the stories I've written about them. For starters, Mikage was set up to be a foil to Namine; she has dark brown hair and wears mostly black (I haven't really decided what I wanted the sailor fuku for the Radiant Garden schools to look like; otherwise she wears a blouse and a skirt), including lace-up knee-high boots. I don't think I've decided on a blouse color in particular or her eye color. I have said before that Ludger from Tales of Xillia 2 is close to what I thought Ienzo's dad would look like. In my stories, he has blue hair like Ienzo's and gray eyes. Ienzo's mom has brown hair and blue eyes, differentiating her from Belle a little bit (and the same eye color as Ienzo). Ienzo grew up to be a scientist like his father but takes after his mother with his love of books. The daggers that appeared previously were originally his father's, so I gave his mother the same power as him too (I suppose I could have given them each a dagger and written both of their names on them, but it's too late to change it now). While there will probably never be a canon description of them, I like these ideas because they seem to make sense. As for their names, I just picked two that I liked.

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