Saturday, February 28, 2015


A lot of reviewers have gotten fed up with the demands of their various projects as of late. Many simply abandon them, while others change formats to accommodate their busy schedules. For most, this is not their primary source of income (if any), and they can do whatever they want. For others...well, let's just say I'm a bit less than sympathetic. Perhaps things have become too complicated and they've gotten in over their heads, or they just don't find it fun anymore. If it's become a job that they're earning money from, it qualifies as work and is by definition less fun. All work requires effort, and depending on how many projects they have going at one time, it might have gotten too stressful to deal with. Mind you, they set up these expectations for themselves; no one would give a damn about when the next episode is if they didn't promise a new one every week from the beginning. Now people only seem to want to do vlogs so they don't have to put as much time and effort into scripting and editing. I don't blame them, but only on the condition that they haven't just gotten lazy.

We lost Leonard Nimoy. At least he can finally rest and won't be exploited in films and such. The Japanese voice actor for Master Xehanort died too, and that was sad. Either way, he's going to be recast (just like Even's Japanese voice actor). I wonder if Sheldon's still going to be into cloning him or how that show will handle it since they recently lost one of their own as well. I still have no specific tribute for him, but I'm still making music slide shows on YouTube, so I'm being creative, and we can say it's for them. ScrewAttack dedicated their remastered Boba Fett versus Samus Aran death battle to Monty complete with a quote from him and a parody of Team JNPR's dance number from RWBY volume 2 episode 7 "Dance Dance Infiltration."

Illya Kuryakin will be played by Armie Hammer. I was kind of hoping the guy who played Ducky in a flashback episode of NCIS would get to do it somehow, but The Lone Ranger (at least the one Disney gave us) is not who I imagined him to be. Not that I ever saw the original Man from U.N.C.L.E., but David McCallum was Illya, and that's setting the bar pretty high.

So after losing, the white collar team thinks they can copy the winning team (no collar) by walking around naked (which they aren't doing)...or are they just copying the first winner, Richard Hatch? Whatever the case, it's pathetic. Based on what happened with the Honesty versus Deceit option, it would seem as if this is all scripted anyway, or it's just that predictable.

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