Thursday, March 5, 2015

There's Still Hope

I saw an article that says employment for librarians is the slowest and doesn't hope to pick up until 2022 when older librarians start to retire. While that gives me time to pay off my undergrad loan and think about enrolling in grad school, there were also more requirements to consider. The article talked about computer whizzes being preferred as well as extroverts. That puts me at a slight disadvantage; although it's competitive now, I really did get beaten out by extroverts no matter how confident and enthusiastic I was (those extroverts usually weren't very nice to me, to the point that I considered giving up on librarianship if those were the type of people that got to be librarians).

CSI looked at NCIS and went, "Remember when we used to have three shows at once? Let's try that again, shall we?" and came up with CSI: Cyber. I'm not really interested in Patricia Arquette (liked Holes, hated Medium) so I'm not going to watch it. I stopped watching NCIS: LA long ago (like Castle, two of the main characters getting together really turned me off). I'm giving NCIS: New Orleans a one season probation, and I like it so far. CCH Pounder is really the reason I'm staying, plus Darryl "Chill" Mitchell whenever his character's not being obnoxious. If David Dayan Fisher ever comes back, it'd be cool if Kort showed up there (though I bet everyone would already dislike him like they did in LA; such a pity). I had no notes to take for this past week's Survivor other than who got voted out. That hasn't happened in a long time; usually there are some shenanigans involving hidden immunity idols or islands of redemption and/or exile. It was sort of weirdly refreshing. I honestly don't care who wins.

It's way too early to be thinking about Christmas (though there is all this snow on the ground and I have caught one or two people singing Christmas carols to themselves), but I've been thinking about what holiday video (or videos) to make this year. I'm going to get to work on them as soon as I get some free time to go home and also post one I have finished when it gets closer to my birthday. And here's a video I found that captures my feelings about winter perfectly:

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