Sunday, March 22, 2015

Jelly Beans

This fortnight on Sailor Moon Crystal, Avery can channel her sisters' spirits, and Mamoru can channel the four knights' spirits. Now he has a laser attack to protect Usagi and Chibi-Usa. Unfortunately not much character development for Mina, if any. Naru was worried about Usagi, plus Rei's classmate and the underclassman who likes Makoto. No love for Ami. This is why we need Greg or anyone else she interacted with in the first anime. I'm not really sure which R episode(s) this corresponds to, but next time it's Sailor Pluto.

Sacred Star of Milos is just as bad as the first FullMetal Alchemist movie except with no direct ties to the main plot. It's not even star-shaped or in any kind of star ornament - it's just the same kind of  philosopher's stone they've encountered the whole time. I found out that they've animated the four-panel comics from the manga and dubbed them. They're as great as the cast outtakes. I especially liked the imagery of Todd the Tank Engine (LanFan was afraid Ling would put his soul inside a train, stylized like Thomas). And apparently Darius has a thing for paw pads like Presea from Tales of Symphonia.

I got the Mango Salsa chips. I liked the seasoning, but the fruity taste of the mango was a bit off-putting at first. It's pretty much the same reaction I had to the Chicken and Waffles chips, but it's also more similar to the Doritos melon chips than the Kickstart mango drink.

Power Rangers Dino Charge has been teasing the Gold and Aqua Energems, but so far all they've found is the Ankylo Zord. I guess looking doesn't necessarily guarantee finding in this case, maybe not even until the half-way point or second season. I liked the unmorphed Rangers doing acrobatics because it reminded me of a video I saw of the original Rangers putting on a show at a D.A.R.E. conference. (4:14 mark)

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