Thursday, March 12, 2015

More Training

There's really no limit to the number of training stories I could write. It takes me a couple hours to fall asleep every night, so I've got time.

Dilan trained Ienzo by swinging his lance at him so he would dodge it, but once again Ienzo ended up being too slow. Unable to keep up, he tripped over the lance instead of jumping over it successfully and landed on his knee. "Oww..." he bleated, clutching it.
Dilan put his weapon away and checked on him along with Aeleus. "Are you all right?" he asked with concern. Ienzo had squeezed his eyes shut and was controlling his breathing, so Dilan thought he might be angry with him. "I'll go get some ice," Dilan volunteered when Ienzo didn't answer him.
Aeleus stayed with Ienzo while Dilan did that. "Are you holding back on how much that actually hurts?" he asked. Ienzo nodded. "It's not childish to admit to how much pain you're in. Let's have a look at it."
Ienzo rolled up his pant leg with some difficulty. His knee was starting to swell, so he was relieved when Dilan returned with the ice pack. "Thanks," he muttered.
"Don't try to put your weight on it yet," Dilan advised. "For now, just sit there."
"I'm sorry," Ienzo said pathetically. "You both have been doing your best to train me, and I keep letting you down."
Dilan and Aeleus shared a concerned look. "You're not letting us down. You're still learning," Aeleus said.
Dilan nodded in agreement. "We'll adjourn until your leg is better."
Ienzo wished he could say his pride was hurt more, but the throbbing pain in his leg was pretty much on par with it. He accepted their hands when they pulled him up to stand, but he wanted to limp back to his room on his own. "Are you sure?" Aeleus asked when he refused further help.
Ienzo explained, "It'll look worse if Master Ansem sees you carrying me. It was my own clumsiness that caused me to get hurt, so I'm okay dealing with this by myself."
"All right, but you're not by yourself," Dilan corrected him. "We're all here if you need us." Ienzo would always be the youngest out of their group, and in that way they would always see him as a kid, but they were showing no more care towards him than they would any of the others.

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