Friday, March 27, 2015


At first, I'd written that the apprentices had their lives flash before them in a dream, but then I thought about Lea dreaming about Roxas. His heart's desire was to see Roxas again, so maybe the others had dreams about the people they wanted to see. I'm sure you know where I'm going with this, so here it is. (I also had the clothing change, since Lea's stayed the same too.)

Zexion passed out after Replica Riku strangled him and took his energy. While dreaming, he stirred and woke up, hearing a voice calling out to him. "Ienzo...? Wake up, sleepy-head."
In the dream, he stood up still wearing the black coat of the Organization. "Mom? Dad?" he exclaimed upon seeing his parents. "Is it really you? Am I dead?"
"No, sweetheart. You're just reconstituting," his mother said.
Ienzo suddenly felt cold, and he realized the coat was gone. "I...I don't understand."
"You didn't die when you lost your heart, and you didn't die when you lost your non-existence either," his father explained. "You can go back to normal."
Ienzo was now wearing his blue shirt. "I'm sorry...I failed you."
"It shouldn't have been your decision to make. I should've been there," his father said ruefully.
"I don't blame you, Dad. You were just trying to help Mom."
"We didn't mean to leave you alone. We thought you would be safe," his mother added sadly.
"It was my fault too. I helped. I promise I'll do better." Ienzo finally had on his apprentice uniform.
"There's my handsome boy." His mother smiled and touched his face; he felt the cold energy on his cheek.
"Mom..." He felt slightly embarrassed but didn't know why, since he was alone with the spirits of his parents in a dream. Then they started to drift away. "Wait, where are you going?"
"It's time to wake up for real," his father said. "You have a chance to redeem yourself. Good luck, son."
"Please stay just a little longer," Ienzo pleaded, but it was no use. His parents disappeared in a flash of light, causing him to shut his eyes tight. When he opened them again, he found himself face-down on the cold floor of the secret room. He tried to get up but was still too weak. To his surprise, someone helped him up part of the way. Upon seeing Aeleus, he knew he would be all right.

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