Friday, March 13, 2015


    Ienzo continued sparring with Dilan and Aeleus. He had moved on to countering, using the daggers to push back against their weapons. They were still stronger than he was, but at least he was making progress. "Be sure to take proper care of your weapons," Dilan advised when they were done for the day.
    "They don't look too bad," Ienzo protested.
    Dilan and Aeleus exchanged uneasy glances. "Even so, they require upkeep just like anything else," Aeleus explained.
    "Okay." Ienzo didn't really see why it was a big deal, but he figured it had to be important if they were making a point of telling him.
    While cleaning the daggers, Ienzo happened to examine the blades more closely. "There's something etched on here," he uttered in surprise. "'Marian.' That's my mother's name." He looked at the other one and saw his name. "'Ienzo.' But that means..." Realizing at last why they had appeared in his hands, he sought out Ansem to ask him about it.
    "They were your father's," Ansem confirmed. "No use hiding it from you anymore. He etched your names on them because you two were the ones he wanted to protect most of all. You should be proud to wield them yourself now."
    Ienzo looked like he was about to cry. "It makes sense. Even has a shield. No reason Dad couldn't have had weapons also."
    "True, he didn't use them much. You were probably too young to remember." Ansem smiled sadly and put his hands on Ienzo's shoulders. "You are very much your father's son. Don't ever forget that."
    Coming from Ansem, those words meant a great deal to Ienzo. "Thank you, Master. But...why were you all keeping it a secret from me?"
    "We wanted you to come into your own without any prior expectations," Ansem said. "Are you angry with us?"
    "...No." Ultimately, he couldn't blame them for withholding sensitive information until they thought he was ready for it. "My mind's made up, though. I'll be taking my training very seriously from now on. I have to live up to the legacy my parents left behind."
    The next time Ienzo trained with his fellow apprentices, they noticed the difference in his resolve. He explained that he knew why he had the daggers. "I've always wanted to be a scientist just like my dad, but now I have to work twice as hard knowing he had this skill as well."
    "Just remember to take care of yourself and work at your own pace," Even lectured him, voicing everyone's concern.
    "I know."
    Ansem came in to check on them. "Ienzo, would you do me a favor and find where the schematic paper has gotten to?"
    Ienzo recognized this tactic; Ansem was distracting him with a mildly important task so he could talk to the others without (and probably about) him. Still, there was no sense in arguing. "Yes, Master," he said obediently, leaving the room.
    Even sighed. "I understand he wants to become stronger and honor his parents' memory, but..."
    "You don't want him on the front lines,"  Ansem concluded. "I understand, but it's his decision."
    "Isn't it also your decision, Master?" Braig asked. They all wanted to be where they were, but their instructions came from Ansem.
    "We're supposed to be the ones protecting him and everyone. After everything that's happened, I know some people still won't forgive us," Aeleus pointed out.
    "They either fear us or hate us, and with good reason," Dilan added.
    "You make everyone around you feel safe," Ansem reassured him. "Those who know you know that you are dedicated to your job and to them. I was angry with you all for a time over your betrayal, but now that time has passed. Like all of you, Ienzo thought he was only doing what was right, and this training of his is no different."
    "But we were wrong before," Aeleus protested.
    "Then we will have to make sure he does not overdo it without alienating him in the process."
    Ienzo found the supplies and returned them to Ansem's office. He was then instructed to help Even in the lab. "What did Ansem want to talk to you about?" Ienzo asked Even.
    "He asked us to monitor your training because he doesn't want you to overwork yourself," Even replied honestly.
    "Does everybody feel that way?" Ienzo asked suspiciously.
    "We just want you to be happy. Ienzo, you don't have to do everything your father did to live up to his memory."
    Ienzo frowned. "When I realized those were my father's weapons, I didn't know what to think. But ultimately, I was happy. It gave me something else to hold onto."
    "I understand, but that shouldn't change who you are. Your parents wouldn't want you to deny your true nature for their sake. You honor them every day just by being yourself."
    In a rare moment of clarity between them, Ienzo felt the bond he had with Even strengthen. "Thanks for saying that. I'll keep it in mind."

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