Monday, February 16, 2015

Five Stages

For those wondering why I let Xaldin be the drunk when Luxord usually gets that stereotype, the manga made him out to be a pot-head, so I thought this was an improvement.
After becoming Nobodies, the apprentices (except Xemnas, who had already accepted it having inflicted it upon himself) went through the stages of grief in their own ways. Xigbar, being half-Xehanort already, arrived at acceptance much faster than the rest but still retained a devil-may-care sense of denial about the whole thing. The more angry and frustrated Lexaeus became, the more darkness he seemed to exude. Vexen, ever the workaholic, seemed to take to bargaining as his coping mechanism; the more he worked, the closer they would get to solving their problems. Xaldin threw himself into despair. His coping method, as it had always been, was alcohol. Zexion observed all of this with seemingly vacant eyes, unable to commit to any stage. At first he just unthinkingly followed the others around, especially Lexaeus. On one occasion, he bumped into him when he stopped short. Lexaeus turned around to take notice of him, patting him on the head. He turned back to Xaldin and commented, "You know that's bad for you, right?"
"Oh, what is there to worry about now, Aelie?" Xaldin asked drunkenly.
"'Aelie?' You only call me that when you've had a few too many. We lost our hearts, not our livers."
"Shove off. Let me wallow in misery in peace."
"You're setting a bad example for the kid."
"A little late to be thinking about that now, don't you think?"
"...Lexy..." Zexion said suddenly.
"What?" Lexaeus exclaimed.
"...He should have called you Lexy...since your name's Lexaeus now..."
Xaldin laughed. "Guess you're right, not that it matters, of course."
Xaldin was beginning to make Lexaeus angry, but he decided to leave with Zexion before he started a  brawl. Lexaeus couldn't read Zexion's face as they walked away. "Were you bothered by anything Xaldin said?" Lexaeus asked.
"I don't know," Zexion replied.
"You can call me Lexy if you'd like."
"Okay, well, you think about it."

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