Monday, February 16, 2015

Dino Charge

So the Blue and Black Rangers already got their powers before the season started? Would've liked to have seen that! We probably will, though, having to backtrack like before. I'd really like to hear the backstory on Koda; I thought he'd be more like Maya in some ways. Chase is pretty much Xander. Also, Kendall is unnecessarily mean to Shelby - what's going on there? I hate going into a season feeling like I'm missing something. I know Wild Force started with the four of them already, but it began from Cole's perspective anyway and he was the last one (until Merrick, that is). Since we start off knowing there are going to be ten Rangers (eleven, really, since purple goes to two different people, one being Kendall), I wonder if the last five are going to make their appearance in the "super" second season. At first I thought they were doing a Spielberg tribute with visual references to E.T. and Jurassic Park. Then Keeper and the villains got the dinosaurs killed with their shenanigans but apparently survived themselves (wahp wahp waahhhh). And what was up with that Michael Bay-exploding car that they hurled into the air with their energems? It wasn't secondary powers at work - it just happened for no reason. Again, a lot of the same elements as past seasons, but they run just shy of being a carbon copy of anything.

Thinking about it, the Ninja Turtles wouldn't have been the weirdest cross-over that In Space could have done. They could have done one with Mystic Knights. That would've been trippy.

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