Thursday, November 12, 2015


We beat a dungeon with graffiti and gained two levels because of it. I will not explain any further except we all had a hand in it. I have also gone ahead and chosen the rest of my spells so I don't take so long when leveling up again. Hopefully I make it that far. One drawback I've come across in both games is situations in which only one person speaks an NPC's language and that person is the most reckless of your group and you can't do anything about it because your character doesn't understand. Otherwise, Orion did the same thing as Ray from Achievement Hunter and went off on his own. Looking foraward to seeing last week's and the next RWBY and since that's going to be posted later than expected too.

I started working on my Everything Wrong With video. I watched part 1 of East Meets West twice to make sure I found everything I wanted to critique, and then some. I may have to cut minor sins for time, but we'll see how long this turns out to be. It's going to be a lot of work, but I know it's going to be worth it. I've already found a very interesting screenshot. My original intention was to review the condensed "movie" version since I sin it right off the bat for that, but the only version I've found online is just the separate episodes. I'll take what I can get though, as long as I have an American edit rather than "Hero" Turtles which has its own censorship issues.

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