Thursday, January 7, 2016

Nostalgia Reaffirmed

I finished sinning the last two episodes of East Meets West. However, thanks to youtube copyright issues with random parts, I had to go to a different site to get footage, so the aspect ratio will be inconsistent when I make the video. It'll take a long time to record, and I don't know if I can find all the bits of audio I want to use for the end part. It'll be difficult enough just recording the audio from the show, as well as taking a while to record my readings. Rewatching these episodes made me appreciate the show more rather than tear it down. It was by no means perfect and not the best incarnation of the four canon Turtles, but Splinter was portrayed as a concerned parent (especially where Raph was concerned), and Venus is still an inspiration to me. I'd never want to go back to that part of my life, but this show was a big part of it. It gave me solace. Nothing is going to take that away from me. I wouldn't even call it a guilty pleasure because you can't make me feel guilty about it anymore. Watching it again, I feel like I'm home.

After listening to Razzbowski read the first four chapters of the Five Nights at Freddy's Book "The Silver Eyes," I have to admit that I stopped caring after the first chapter and only kept listening because he's such a good narrator, as many have pointed out. I just can't get emotionally invested in these characters if this story isn't canon. It'd be one thing if some random person just wrote the story with FNAF as a backdrop, but Scott put this out. He worked with a writer, not the other way around (or so I assume, otherwise he's tricked us again). Scott only allows people to read the first four chapters, and it supposedly picks up and gets good after chapter five, according to Razzbowski. I may decide to give it a look in the future or I may not.

I've been able to sleep, but I've had a lot of weird dreams. One was some random Dragon Ball Z tournament movie with made-up characters that were scraping the bottom of the barrel for design. In my dream last night, our D&D campaign got replacement members since in real life our games keep getting cancelled when people have to drop out at the last minute. Those replacement members were none other than Laura, Travis, Sam, and Ashley from Critical Role.

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