Sunday, January 24, 2016

Slow Your Roll

2016 has wasted no time in killing people. I was completely blown away by the news, even though dead celebrities (as well as dead people in general) have become somewhat of the norm, especially at this time of year or over the summer. Maybe this will be the year I can change jobs, but I doubt it. I still like helping people, but some people and conditions make it very trying indeed. D&D has started off kinda slow this year, and on my end it keeps getting cancelled. When it's not cancelled, I'm tired from work. It's also come to the point where I feel that other people are controlling my character or at least the terms of the situation we're in.

I've finished preliminary voice recordings for my CinemaSins parody and am almost ready to put the whole thing together. Once I get every point in the right order and gather the appropriate audio and video (well, caps), it'll come together as soon as it can. As I pointed out last time, the process has been very affirming. I'm even going to put out videos about the Egyptian zodiac. The voice recordings for that are also complete. All that's left is to edit them together. Those will be easier and quicker to produce, so I'll be working on them at the same time as the CinemaSins video in increments.

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