Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Thanks, Facebook!

February 8 is Chinese New Year. It's the Year of the Monkey. Here are Ritsu pictures.

Thanks to Facebook, I was reminded that the game show I was trying to think of a long time ago was called Get the Picture. It was on a list of obscure Nickelodeon shows. I knew almost all of them. Those were some good times.

RWBY and Critical Role have both gotten very dark. Some very well-timed nat-1s saved the campaign from being worse (when Scanlan's daughter wanted to kill him and when Grog wanted to free the litch). It's cool that Laura and Travis cameoed in RWBY as well, since they met RoosterTeeth at a Halo convention. I liked watching them try to play the Starwhal game too. It's funny when Laura doesn't do well and starts swearing. I even did some Critical Role fan art. I drew the group in bunches watching in horror as the ancient dragons arrived. I know better than to scan it and send it in, though. As for a campaign I play, we have been reunited with an NPC we thought betrayed us. Next time, we have to try to save her from some goblorcs - half-goblin half-orcs.

Freddles - They're like Squiddles, but terrifying.

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