Monday, February 15, 2016


I had a weird Power Rangers dream. There were five Rangers, and they were powered by Gatorade. Anyone could be any color, of which there were red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. They could only summon their powers either by drinking it or pouring it over their heads. It may even have been Powerade for all I know, if they were going to be literal with it. Then I also had a dream where I had to mix different drinks for the characters from Final Fantasy Type 0. I don't remember much of it except talking to Nine and making a spicy red drink for Queen. Then I got an idea to draw Lexaeus as a minotaur and Xaldin as a centaur. I won't actually do that though because I'm not good at drawing, especially animals or animal crossbreeds.

Cinnamon Oreos are the best. I don't like the idea of Lay's swapping out flavors, though. Gouda and chives is good, but I wouldn't vote for it to replace cheddar and sour cream. Same thing with Korean Barbecue; it's nice, but I'd rather have honey barbecue. I couldn't care less about the other two match-ups, but my boyfriend says he'd rather have habenero and olive oil and herbs. Pringles has a hot dog flavor I've only seen at Walgreen's. I don't know how I feel about that, as they were all buried at the bottom of the display underneath stacks of original and sour cream and onion. I'd rather just eat a hot dog if they weren't so bad for my heart, which is too bad since Burger King just started serving hot dogs. Urgh.

I wonder if RWBY volume 3 was always supposed to be that dark, what with characters getting killed and limbs being severed and all. It took way too sharp of a turn, in my opinion. Yang is done, which is understandable. Blake running away again is also understandable since she feels responsible for what happened to Yang, but running away only made things worse between them. Penny can probably be rebuilt eventually (though she wouldn't be Penny), but other people are definitely gone. We didn't even see Goodwitch's face when she was trying to fix a broken building only to have it fall apart again; she must have been in agony. I don't hold out much hope for Ozpin being missing and not dead. We saw what Cinder did to Phyrra. It was a nice surprise to hear Burnie voicing Tai, and just as surprising when Qrow seemed to turn into an actual crow when he was following Ruby and the rest of JNPR at the end.

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