Monday, March 20, 2017

Kinda Weird

In Zestiria, the hellion from the beginning and Symonne have been acting weird. The hellion decided he wanted to help for no reason and died doing it. Symonne hung out with Dezel for a while then decided to become a dragon when her master finally answered her call.

I've been watching the dubs of DBZ Final Chapters (aka the Buu saga) and Super. Vegeta is the best. He makes the best faces and it's great that he's proud of Trunks. Kid Trunks is pretty cool too since he makes the same deadpan expressions as his dad (and I enjoy Laura's boy voice). It's just too bad that the movie arcs are so padded out. I haven't been watching the subs, but I am appalled at Goku.

I'm getting ready to move soon, so that's my excuse for not having many projects in the works. I do want to do a Kanji x Naoto video at some point, and I'm still going to wait until KH3 comes out so I have more new material for that video, which will give it more meaning. I also wrote this little story about Ienzo and Raven, even though it's kind of implausible and just a bit stupid. I don't have a title for it.

Ienzo took Raven out to get sea salt ice cream. Along their walk, they passed several people who regarded Ienzo coldly, some moving farther away from them. Raven gave him a worried look. "What's going on?"
Ienzo sighed. "This always happens when we leave the castle now. People don't trust us anymore, not even me. I guess I can't really blame them."
"That's understandable, if not a bit harsh," Raven said pityingly.
"We've been working in conjunction with the Restoration Committee that was formed before we were able to come back, but it's not enough coming from us since we caused the problem to begin with. It's not just about the world being tainted with darkness and people losing their hearts. These people lost ten or more years of their lives because of what we did."
"At least you have the option of a second chance."
"Raven..." Ienzo felt a little bad for complaining since Raven had told him that she was responsible for the total annihilation of her homeworld when she was a child, all because she wanted to know who her father was. She was the only one who survived.
Ienzo paid for the two ice creams, but the woman at the stand barely said a word to him. They sat down on a nearby bench to eat them. "Wow, that's really salty," Raven commented. "But the sweet aftertaste is worth it."
Ienzo nodded, still pondering. "I remember the first time I had one of these. Everyone was much happier then, especially the master. I don't think we can ever go back to the way things were. If we could get along with everyone again, that would be great, but it's just not going to happen. I'm not going to run away, though. This is still my home, and I'm going to live in it."
"Spoken like a true prince."
Ienzo blushed. "I'm not...I mean, Ansem's considered a philosopher-king, but I've never considered myself to be...I am adopted, after all. Wait, are you saying you want to be my princess or are you just teasing me?"
Raven laughed. "Why can't it be both?"
They finished their ice cream and decided to go back to the castle. Almost immediately, they were confronted by a group of boys about the same age as Sora. One of them threw a rock at Ienzo, which grazed his cheek. Raven put up a shield in front of him with her magic as two more of them threw rocks. "Hey! Knock it off!" she yelled.
"A witch!" one of them exclaimed. They picked up the rocks that had bounced off Raven's shield and threw them at her. Raven made the shield bigger to cover both of them. Realizing she could do this indefinitely, the gang retreated.
Raven lowered her defenses. "Are you okay?" she asked Ienzo.
"It's just a scratch," Ienzo said. "That's the first time they've done that."
"They probably don't feel as threatened by you since you're closer to them in age," Raven reasoned.
"They called you a witch."
"Yeah, I'm used to it."
"That doesn't make it right."
"They can't understand, and what they do understand makes them angry. Sort of like with you. You have to forgive yourself even if they won't."
While the two of them were talking, the gang came back with larger, sharper rocks and threw them at them. Ienzo reacted first, jumping in front of Raven to act as her shield. Her shriek of terror alerted nearby adults, and the gang scattered. Raven used her magic to heal Ienzo right away, but even then she was worried. "Why did you do that? What were you thinking?" she exclaimed.
"You make everything better, Raven," Ienzo replied. "I didn't want them to hurt you."
"I'm fine. You, however, are going to be sore in the morning." She grabbed him by the hand and continued to walk toward the castle.
It's been a long time since someone held my hand, too, Ienzo thought, smiling.
The next time they went to get ice cream, the woman didn't glare at him. "On the house," she said, handing him the ice cream.
Ienzo was bewildered. "But I didn't hand in any WINNER sticks."
"I saw what happened the other day. Most of us folks think that you people in the castle don't care about anyone but yourselves. That doesn't excuse those boys' behavior, of course. But you protected your lady friend at the cost of your own safety. It's not everyday you see something like that. I think that's worth a couple of ice creams, don't you?"
Ienzo thanked her and returned to Raven's side.

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