Tuesday, March 7, 2017

New and Improved?

Thrilling Intent changed the lyrics to their theme song and added more characters to the opening animation. The Harpy's Nest arc didn't last as long as I thought it was going to, but that may be in perspective since Big War was so long. Dungeon Truck is just the team of Gregor, Ashe, Markus, and Inien being thrust into a dungeon because Thog needs to prove they're the best. They're like a bunch of big kids playing in a ball pit - overleveled and having the time of their lives.

In Zestiria the X, Lailah produces a second Celestial Record containing the story of Berseria, which Sorey reads without cutting to an episode starring the Berseria cast. Next episode they will continue to move north to confront the Lord of Calamity. They tried having the two squires armatize, but it didn't work (not even with Dezel having used Rose as a vessel). Only a few episodes left. How far will they get?

Applimonsters is getting good. I liked the episodes where the four Appli Drivers got their partners to ultimate through fusion with other super Appmon. Hackmon is the name of a Digimon connected to the Royal Knights and appears in both Cyber Sleuth and Tri, but this show's Hackmon (the hacking application Appmon, partnered with Rei) is much cuter. He becomes Raidramon, which again, is also the name of a Digimon we already know. You'd think there'd be better oversight on that. 

I know it's well past Valentine's Day, but I've been trying to work on a fan fic about Kanji and Naoto. I can't rely on the usual cliches since that's not how either of them act, but I have a couple good ideas. I think it would be funny if Kanji's mom knew the whole time that Naoto was a girl and didn't say anything.

It's weird how both Doug and Lindsay both released a video about the decline of Disney villains on the same day that were almost the same length.

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