Friday, September 22, 2017

Chemical X

With the second of four Kingdom Hearts II light novels dropping in December and Kingdom Hearts III coming out sometime next year, the Birth By Sleep light novels are probably still a long way off. HMK brings up a good point that maybe the thirteen seekers of darkness don't actually have Vanitas yet and needed Sora for that (either to give in to darkness or to wake up Ventus). If true, maybe we'll get to see character development with Vanitas like there supposedly is in the light novels. I'm looking for anything meaningful I can get at this point. I will even look at the KHII novels if I have to (after I get my hands on Birth By Sleep, that is).

The new Powerpuff Girl (who is only in that TV special so far) is voiced by the same person as Marcelline from Adventure Time. She was created before the three girls when the Professor spilled Chemical W (and repeated the same mistake with 22 other lettered chemicals before X). She ran away after she couldn't control her emotions and her powers destroyed the house. HIM gets close to her in the form of a tiny elephant companion and tries to use her to take over the world. The Professor doesn't help, as he is afraid of the harm and destruction Bliss causes, making the situation worse. Gee, I wonder who that sounds like?! (it's Raven) The new Powerpuff Girls series likes to act like it's better than Teen Titans Go! (just look at their crossover and the Lego episode), but it's really not that good either. Speaking of Lego, I've seen a little of the gameplay now, and I'm not a fan of some of the dialogue.

The little girl version of Princess Bubblegum reminded me of Madeline or one of her friends.

I went to the Big Y near my apartment, and they had some pumpkin spice M&Ms on clearance, so I got those. My fiance won't stop eating them. They are certainly spicier than the pumpkin spice snaps, which still just taste like gingerbread cookies.

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