Monday, September 4, 2017

Shocking Revelations

So I was half-right. Levi is actually Brody's brother, and the person they thought was Aiden was a robot double. Why do villains make robot copies of people? Speaking of which, Yuujin is an android upgraded to keep age with Haru in order to get close to him because of his grandpa. Whether or not he has a genuine or split personality is not yet known, nor is what Offmon thinks of all this. Next time, it's Yuujin's turn to dress like a douchebag like Unryuuji before him.

I got my copy of The Freddy Files, but still no word on the release date for Matt Mercer's book. When he originally said it would come out at the end of August, he was probably referring to GenCon and the limited about of copies that had been printed for that. The pre-orders may be fulfilled at the end of this month, but I'm not going to hold my breath. I have no interest in the art book that's coming out either. As for FNAF, I will read it when I have some more time. I assume other people have read it and analyzed it to hell by now, especially with that leaked artwork of Baby trying to rebuild herself. Too bad Sister Location 2 was cancelled. There are fake Circus Ennard trailers popping up on YouTube.

Marluxia is going to be a big part of Kingdom Hearts now. You'd think he was the favorite, but Nomura's favorite was said to be Luxord. I hope they will remember to put the other three we don't know anything about into the plot in some way. No offense to Marluxia/Lauriam, but I see him as being an indicator that maybe all of Organization XIII wasn't some fluke outside of its founding members. I'd assumed the rest were from Radiant Garden as well, but if Marluxia is connected to Ventus, who started off in Daybreak Town in Kingdom Hearts Union X, then there are other possibilities for Demyx, Luxord, and Larxene. I'm counting on Union X to fill in the gaps of character backstory before Kingdom Hearts III is released. This does not let him off the hook for killing the person who was supposed to be the fifth union leader, and it doesn't make sense why he can't use a Keyblade if everyone from Daybreak Town is a Keyblade wielder (shouldn't that blow his cover if he's not supposed to be there?). There is also some confusion as to whether or not Nobodies age. I think the official ruling was that they can't and that Xemnas is a pathological liar, but that doesn't explain the one-year time restriction between the end of Birth By Sleep to when Apprentice Xehanort took over if Lea, Isa, and Ienzo were still kids when they got their hearts removed.

DBS episode 30 was a recap episode, but it was still funny. I'd seen the sub, but it was a while ago and I didn't remember if Krillin voiced over the other people in his flashback. I definitely remember the narrator arguing with Goku and getting fed up.

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