Monday, July 15, 2019

Cinematic Glory

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pops are as delicious as Reese's Puffs as long as you like the Pops texture. It's satisfying. Liberty Brew does indeed taste like Pepsi Blue although it's supposed to be fifty flavors blended together, a la Dr. Pepper (except they're all berry). Oreo has the coffee flavor back again, but for Thins. They're still delicious. I used to eat them while watching Homestar Runner back in 2001, so the taste takes me back.

2010's Three Kingdoms is a terrific replacement for Game of Thrones. I don't think I learned about it in school, but my husband and his friends are all about it. It's very well cast/acted, especially Cao Cao and the kid version of Sun Quan. Zhang Fei reminds me of Hagrid, except violent. In fact, the only major complaint we have is the horses getting injured and probably dying. Episode 27 is the best we've seen so far because of the scene where Cao Cao is stalling for time, then bobs his head as a taunt and runs off like a crazy person. Cao Ren is the Mokuba: "Big Brother, did you really get an edict from the Emperor?" "Of course not, Mokuba!" "But Big Brother, the horses!" "Shut up, Mokuba!" And when Cao Ren messes up: "Mokuba, no! You forgot to preheat the oven, you dumb bastard!" Left off on episode 33, and it's a doozy.

I like Fruits Basket's new opening and ending sequences, even though I don't know if they were reused songs from other anime. The use of umbrellas is iconic. Ritsu's in it now too, so I wonder how they'll end the season. I should be able to figure this out since every episode seems to cover two chapters, but I don't have the manga or first anime on hand at the moment. Hence all of my mistakes.

Bumblebee has indeed continued to be part of the team, still being the best character while all the other Titans acknowledge that they're horrible and don't want to rub off on her (they haven't - they just made her radioactive for one episode).

I'm trying to work on a D&D video for Critical Role and Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 0 (which I just finished watching all the way through without it being taken down for copyright infringement). I don't want to promise anything because if I'm not satisfied with my work, I'm not going to do it. They deserve so much better than I can do, so I don't want it to be jank.

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