Monday, July 29, 2019


The most recent episode of Camp Camp was great. I'm really proud of Campbell being an erstwhile caregiver for the campers (also cool since Travis is still a new dad). I'm glad Gwen found a friend (one who's voiced by Alfredo, I might add). Quartermaster was as witty as ever, though I'm worried that the squirrels from season one are still a problem. Next time the Wood Scouts take over, so that's terrible. Max and Nikki look so pissed in the thumbnail.

I finally finished drawing my comic about Ienzo and Raven. It's satisfying but sad at the same time now that it's over. I had a dream about them last night too. Anyway, I also worked on a what-if independent of both her and Mikage about what might happen if Zexion had been able to sense Ansem/Diz at Castle Oblivion (Diz not exactly deflecting that insanity accusation). It includes an excerpt or two from the Chain of Memories light novel since that's what I was working from. (R.I.P. Russi Taylor, btw)

"There was someone else besides Maleficent, Riku, and King Mickey I could sense, but the scent is hard to describe," Zexion confided to Lexaeus after Vexen had left the room.
"How was it compared to the others?" Lexaeus asked, trying to help him figure it out.
"It was definitely dark, almost as dark as Maleficent and Riku...but also familiar like King Mickey..." Zexion thought hard, trying to remember. "I'm still not sure what to make of it."
"Do you think it's a threat?"
"I can't know that for sure. Similar to King Mickey, whoever it is seems to be guiding Riku through the castle."
Lexaeus closed his eyes in thought. "We have no quarrel with the king," he said at last. "And Riku is just being used as a pawn. Unless they get in our way, I don't think it'll be a problem."
"That's up to Vexen and Marluxia to decide."
Lexaeus turned to leave the room. "Don't stay up too late," he said in a brotherly tone.
"I won't," Zexion said, smiling. He didn't like it when Vexen treated him like a kid, but Lexaeus was a different story. Vexen had turned cruel, but Lexaeus made him feel warm inside. This brings up these nostalgic feelings as well, he thought. Who could it be, and what business could they have here? The simplest solution would be to go to its location himself, but he couldn't rule out the possibility of a threat. He didn't want to start a fight he couldn't finish. Once he figured out who it was, only then would he even consider approaching them.
He decided to relax and get lost in thought while he focused on the scent.  Vexen’s number is higher than ours. Our numbers aren’t directly related to our strength or position, but still, he’s simply been our senior ever since we met. And that is from our relationship when we were our real selves—when there were the names Even, Aeleus, and Ienzo. Perhaps that relationship is broken, or even unreasonable. Because as long as that person is the first Organization member, we are bound by the world...
Suddenly, he had it. "No, it can't be..." he said aloud. He considered waking up Lexaeus but decided against it, and bothering Vexen in the lab was right out. Thus, his only course of action was to investigate alone. If I'm right, what do I say to him? He abandoned us, after all.
He teleported to where the scent was coming from. He saw a strangely dressed man with a red scarf wrapped around his head. Only one eye was visible - one golden eye. "It's you, isn't it?" Zexion said as he approached. "Master Ansem..."
"How dare you address me as master after what you have done?" the man asked angrily.
"Don't play innocent, Nobody. The lot of you, throwing your hearts away to become this perversion of humanity..."
"How did you know? You weren't even there!"
"I have always known. I forbade Xehanort from doing those experiments, and you all took his side against me, banishing me to the dark realm!"
"The dark realm? But I thought..." Zexion looked confused. Something is very wrong. Our stories aren't matching up...and Xehanort's the common denominator. "Wait, then you didn't abandon us?"
Ansem also looked confused. "What? No, why would I?"
"They said you went mad and left Radiant Garden behind. I thought you didn't love me, that you never did." Ansem looked stunned, so he went on, "As soon as I sensed it was you, I wanted to meet you to see the kind of person you'd become. It's no wonder it took me so long. Your time in the dark realm must have changed you."
Ansem unwrapped the scarf. "It has. I donned these clothes to protect myself from the darkness. That was before I discovered the black coats you all wear. I was only able to escape by giving in to my rage." He looked at Zexion sadly, believing that his memories were real even if his emotions weren't. "It seems that Xehanort has played us all for fools."
"It does. How could I not have seen it? Am I really that stupid?"
Ansem reached out to Zexion. "You were so young and traumatized. It's the rest of us adults who have no excuse." He began to tear up. "I never stopped loving you. Xehanort could see that and took advantage of our bond."
"Of course. If you were still around, I would never..." Zexion seemed on the verge of tears as well, whether or not he thought he could actually cry. "I'm sorry things turned out this way, Master. I don't know what else to do."
"It's all right. Now that we've identified our mistakes, we can begin to solve them...together." He looked at Zexion fondly. "You've grown taller since I last saw you."
"I'm still shorter than everyone else," Zexion mumbled self-consciously.
Ansem chuckled. "That's down to genetics, I'm afraid." He pulled Zexion into a hug. "Oh, my boy, my boy..."
The strange scent of darkness from Ansem's clothes filled Zexion's nose, but Ansem's original scent was also easier to detect. It was warm and comforting like Lexaeus. "After we're done here, I want to continue working with you in secret," he said once Ansem let him go.
Ansem smiled. "I would like that very much."
"I'll tell the others about you. Xehanort lied to them too, after all."
"It's getting late. You'd better go and get some sleep first," Ansem advised.
"I will." Zexion bowed before taking his leave. "Goodnight, Master."
Zexion curled himself up in bed but couldn't fall asleep. He was still thinking about his encounter with Ansem and processing all of the implications of Xehanort's deception. I have to start by telling Lexaeus and Vexen, but Vexen will just dismiss it like he did with Maleficent earlier. Lexaeus will believe me, but he might let his anger get the better of him. He's the only one allowed to leave here, though, so... He imagined that Lexaeus would tell Xaldin and Xigbar while hopefully avoiding hostilities with Xemnas. From there, Zexion had not thought of much of a plan, but he had something to look forward to, which made him happy. It'll be just the five of us again working with Master Ansem for a better future.

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