Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Top 5 Sally Field Movies

Sally Field was one of my favorite actresses when I was a kid. While I haven't seen everything she's been in before or since, I do have a few all-time favorite movies of hers. I'll give honorable mentions to The Amazing Spider-Man movies, since I haven't seen them, and the made-for-TV movie Sybil that I had to watch in psychology class.

5. Forrest Gump - Sally Field played Forrest's mother. It's sad when she dies. She's the one who always said life was like a box of chocolates and stood up for her son, who was a little different.

4. Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde - Congresswoman Rudd starts off on Elle's side, but then her financial backers threaten to drop her if she goes ahead with sponsoring Elle's animal testing bill. Sure she ends up as an antagonist, especially in today's times, but she's relatable. The truth is she wasn't doing anyone any good either way. So sad.

3. The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning - If you didn't like the idea of Ursula's crazy sister in the sequel, how about Marina Del Rey from the prequel? Although she originally applied for Sebastian's job and didn't get it, she's the princesses' nanny, presumably after their mother is killed. She's a fun mix of villain with delusions of grandeur and put-upon caretaker of rebellious teenagers. She's like Miss Hannigan and Yzma combined and even gets her own little villain/"I Want" song.

2. Mrs. Doubtfire - Miranda Hillard starts the movie by divorcing her husband, played by Robin Williams, because of his outlandish antics. She's not exactly a villain, but it depends on your point of view (and love of Robin Williams). The look on her face when she discovers that her ex has been the nanny "the whole time" is priceless. The movie overall just has a great message for children of divorce, like me.

1. Homeward Bound - I loved Homeward Bound when I was little. I especially loved Sassy and hated it when she went down the waterfall, seemingly to her death. It definitely made me cry, but everything was okay at the end. I liked her arguments with Chance, and she was still funny in the sequel too.

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