Thursday, November 19, 2020

Insert Melody of Memory Rant Here

I think I understand now. Sora is in the realm of unreality, or metafiction (since it’s a video game within a fairy tale world, the inhabitants of which are also toys). He may have gone there using Luxord's wild card, which was probably supposed to send him home if something went wrong (or that’s what his encounter with Yozora was). He’s Yozora’s butler or something, after all. If Sora had just stayed in the final world, Fairy Godmother could've gotten Riku and Kairi there to get him like we're seeing now. Riku used the star (the girl we saw in the Yozora trailer) as a portal to get to her world. The series didn’t go into a deeper discussion of who all the stars/dead people are in the final world, but I hope more of them are relevant. That also reminds me of another thing David Lynch put in Twin Peaks: The Return - “We live inside a dream. Who is the dreamer?” Maybe the reason Yozora’s world (Quadratum, as we learn) is in the realm of fiction instead of a fully realized world is because Nomura didn’t get to make it into a proper game. Nomura in this case is the dreamer. Monty dreamed up RWBY, or at least the first three seasons before he died. Whatever plans he didn’t put forth would theoretically exist in unreality, while the Remnant as we know it now in Volume 8 would exist in the realm of light. I really wish there was another cutscene with Xigbar and the other Masters since the latter were name-dropped as having vanished somewhere. And Xehanort somehow knew about unreality (not to be confused with the nonexistence from The Return) the whole time because of course he did to add yet another layer of complication on top of everything. What he said basically amounts to it’ll be difficult to get back from there. What else is new? I liked the scene with the scientists; Even and Ienzo sighing in unison and looking in opposite directions was funny to me since they seem to be mirror images of each other. I hope they worked out whatever animosity existed between them in the year that they’ve had to do this. Aeleus and Dilan need more to do. My new headcanon is that they play Cooking Mama. And Kairi needs to learn how to fight someone with a much longer reach than her.

‭It was mood whiplash to go from The Split Sword of Swanstantine, where Scrooge says the kids are his strength (including Lena and Violet), to New Gods on the Block, where he replaces them (and Lena and Violet do not appear). Loved Della being team Mom and yelling at Scrooge that the kids have feelings and encouraging the kids to find their superpowers. Then there was the new origin story for Della and Donald (with Christina Vee replacing the late Russi Taylor), who acquired the triplets’ origin story from the comics. It also showed Bradford leaving SHUSH to create FOWL, but he never wanted to be evil - he just wanted order by taking over the world. He used the papyrus to make Scrooge, Donald, and Della forget that he’d been involved in the adventure, so that’s how Scrooge came to hire him.

More Fruits Basket dubbed episodes, yay! ‭I can't confirm it yet, but it sounded like Colleen was also voicing Ren. I can't remember what Hana and Tohru said in the original Japanese, but in English it was just the mnemonic devices for the planets and the order of operations in math. I'm still deciding what I want to do for a video, but YouTube just sent a notification around that they get to monetize whatever they want, so even if you're not set up to make money off your videos, they reserve the right to do so themselves. They're really shoving the corporate greed through this lame duck congress alongside the moral bankruptcy. Oh well. I was starting to run out of ideas anyway, and I have to figure out how my latest software update disabled YouTube from functioning on my laptop.

Neo only knows Emerald and Mercury, but not the others. She probably realizes how fucked up this is, though. I was disappointed at how fast Yang turned on Ruby. I'd thought it was weird how she didn't have as big of a reaction to the news that Summer had died fighting Salem. I don't believe the theory that the Hound is a transformed Summer, just one of the super-Grimm Salem created. It's also voiced by Jason Liebrecht, who voices Qrow, which means nothing.

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