Thursday, June 25, 2015

Bluh Bluh

Chobani and Oikos have been producing seasonal flavors, such as pumpkin, gingerbread, grape, and watermelon. I don't know if orange is considered seasonal, but it was good too. Watermelon didn't really taste like watermelon, but it was sweet and delicious. Pumpkin and orange tasted like you'd expect them to, and gingerbread wasn't too spicy at all. Grape tasted like grape-flavored chapstick, which is gross if you've ever tried it.

Looking forward to the CSI finale in September and hearing more KH news in November (not to mention the first of the new Digimon movies). Even if I don't get to 150 subscribers, I'd still like to do the comic dub, probably around mid-October. That's assuming I don't lose subscribers either, which is possible. I'd like to do a fake bleeps video too, but I don't think I can get the footage I'd need (I can only think of a couple I'd want to do anyway); I don't even have a sound effect for that yet. I haven't mentioned SMC or MLP in a while, mostly because I feel like I have nothing worthwhile to say about either of them right now.

The Batman: Arkham games, particularly the latest one, have a bad case of women in refrigerators. Most if not all of the female characters get captured and are used as bait or motivation to get the player to do or feel things. Some even die, which sucks. This has more to do with whoever wrote the subplots for the games rather than the franchise as a whole, though.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


While everyone is gushing over/analyzing the new KHIII trailer, I would like to discuss some things that have been bothering me for a while. There are some key differences between the two sets of Ansem reports in the first two major installments. The KHI set was written by Ansem Seeker of Darkness, or Apprentice Xehanort. In them, we get the impression that he was working independently, as Ansem the Wise and his apprentices were not introduced until the story became more fleshed out later on. If we were to still accept these at face value, we could come to one of two conclusions: one, that Apprentice Xehanort really had worked alone for the most part; or two, that the other apprentices had helped him and he just never mentioned them. The second set of Ansem reports, written by Ansem the Wise, mentions them quite frequently: Even did this, Ienzo said that, and so on. I'm convinced he used all their names as his password before Xehanort changed it to the names of the seven princesses of heart. What it boils down to is obvious: the real Ansem cared about his apprentices very much, while Apprentice Xehanort apparently didn't care for them at all. Out of all of them, though, Apprentice Xehanort was the only one with enough power to banish Ansem to the dark margin; the rest probably just sided with his arguments and helped him carry out his work in secret and not much else in the grand evil scheme of things (except Braig, of course, who had been tasked with keeping the amnesiac on point).
This also raises more questions than it answers about how it all went down, which we will probably never see as KHIII looks to have a different focus in mind and probably won't have time to explore all of these issues. The main question I have is a matter of who has what powers outside of their Nobody forms. Ansem the Wise gained his powers after he was banished to the dark margin, and Braig already had space powers when he fought Terra (whether or not it was enough for him to hop worlds before Master Xehanort made him a living horcrux is up for debate). Do all of their powers have to come from darkness? Ansem no longer has his the second time he ends up in the dark margin, presumably because his heart was no longer tainted with thoughts of anger and revenge; Riku also loses his after he and Sora defeat Xemnas. What about the rest of them? It's not like any of them studied magic like Aqua probably did, but it's hard not to associate the apprentices with their Nobody powers (and then there's Lea, who still has the powers of darkness and fire and wears the Organization coat even though he's a complete person). I guess if Ansem doesn't have any because the darkness has left him and he never had any to begin with, maybe it's for the best that they don't either if they didn't start out that way. They are scientists, after all, but that doesn't necessarily mean they didn't practice a little on the side (especially Ienzo, who will read anything he can get his hands on and had the power to cast illusions when he was a Nobody).
Don't get me wrong - I was excited about the KHIII announcement too. We're getting a flashback of young Eraqus and young Xehanort plus playable Mt. Olympus and the world from Tangled (I can't remember the name of it since all I can think about is Frozen, which is the same universe but not the same place). I know full well that the apprentices' story is not a priority (although it really should be since this is partially their fault) and that their appearance in Dream Drop Distance was Squenix throwing us a bone. It'd just be nice if they were treated as more of a plot point instead of a side note given the repercussions of their actions.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Christopher Lee's Fireside Tales

With KHIII still marked as in development, I have made some decisions. I have 149 subscribers to my YouTube channel, so when I make it to 150 I will make and post a new comic dub. I'm really excited about this one (even though it's going to be a Birth By Sleep comic and not an Organization XIII or even an apprentice comic). The KH amv will have to wait until III actually comes out. Also, in memory of Christopher Lee, I have paid tribute to him directly in this next piece, in which I have quoted the intro to some of his readings. He was the first to voice Ansem (albeit as DiZ), so his voice is the one I hear in my head when I write about Ansem reading bedtime stories to Ienzo.

Ansem was talking to Mickey in his office when there was a gentle knock at the door. "Come in," Ansem beckoned.
Ienzo, who was not yet a full apprentice, returned from his errand. "Here's the book you were looking for," he said, walking up to the desk and putting it down.
"Thank you." Ansem noticed that Ienzo was looking at Mickey. "Ienzo, it's not polite to stare. Greet people properly."
Ienzo bowed his head respectfully. "Right. Sorry. It's nice to meet you."
Ansem introduced them and sent Ienzo on his way. "If you're finished with your studies for today, you may assist Even in the lab."
"He says he doesn't need my help," Ienzo replied, somewhat disappointed.
"Is that so? Well, as long as you promise to stay out of trouble, I suppose you may do as you wish for the rest of the day."
"Thank you, Master." Ienzo eagerly ran from the room, pausing momentarily to bid farewell to Mickey.
Whenever Ienzo felt lonely, he'd think of the books in the library as his companions. He wanted to understand everything and so left no stone unturned. Only one thing could pull him away from this extracurricular activity, and that was when Ansem called him to bed. "It's getting late. Time for your story, I think." Ienzo nodded and gladly took his hand, thrilled to hear another macabre tale.

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Digimon Fusion returns for the rest of the season on July 5. Season 3 will be airing next year, but I still don't know about Power Rangers. A funny mental image: Impmon reading "Go The F*ck To Sleep" to Ai and Mako. "Go da f*ck ta SLEEP!" Derek Stephen Prince is way too ubiquitous in the Persona games, especially Persona 3. His character killed someone, another of his characters gave the eulogy, and a background character also voiced by him complained about it all within minutes of each other. Just give this man an award already.

I'm finding the politics of my hometown quite frustrating. Instead of maintaining a public playground built by the community, they demolished it in favor of a plastic one. They stole land from business owners and relocated them in order to build a new train station (not sure what was wrong with the existing one). Now we may be losing the theater venue we're known for due to residential noise complaints. It's like living near an airport or a college campus - you should know what you're getting yourself into. It's not like it's limited to my hometown, either. Near where I work, a law firm moved into a building and kicked out another resident business because they didn't want a sandwich shop as a neighbor. They supposedly paid the owners, but they've yet to reopen anywhere. It's a real shame.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Come On, Guys

I guess the KH fandom known as the Key-Keepers imploded on itself as bad as if not worse than the brony community, since people actually got kicked out of it. I don't really know what happened nor do I want to know, but it sounds like a lot of people are being really stupid and petty.

Power Rangers did a lot of backtracking recently. Dino Super Charge is next year, even though they've only aired 8 out of a potential 22 episodes for regular Dino Charge. Matt's been demoted from Gray Ranger to Sir Not Appearing in favor of someone called Prince Phillip. If he's as clutch in battle as Disney's Prince Phillip in Birth By Sleep, that's fine, but it's not really fair to Matt unless they make him the male Aqua Ranger or one of the others down the line. Also, instead of Mezagog coming back as speculated, we're getting Zeltrax instead. Does that mean a crossover with one or more of the Dino Thunder Rangers? Especially a certain one against whom he has a grudge?

Soul Eater Not finally got a dub, but just like Ookamisan and Her Seven Companions, it's a Blu-Ray release only. As I don't have a Blu-Ray player, there's no point in me purchasing either one of these even though I really want to. Sad panda. Now to binge-listen to the late Christopher Lee doing dramatic readings of the works of Edgar Allan Poe.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Don't Stop Believing

More people are leaving the MLP fandom in anger and disgust. It's hard to know how much of it is from the show itself (Hasbro's executive meddling) and how much is brony zealots on the Internet. Whatever it is, the trend is clear: people are becoming sick of being online reviewers because they either grow tired of their subject matter or the commenters on their videos. I believe that something started must be finished, but that's not the reality we live in. As for me, I'm trying to finish all the writing projects I had set for myself years ago. Because the Pokemon franchise will likely never die, neither will the fan fic I co-wrote with one of my friends back in high school; I'll just have to keep updating it every now and then. I've also decided not to scrap the third set of stories in one of my projects because I believe I can salvage it. That will be finished by the end of this year, and then I can do the spin-off series of the project I finished last month. Otherwise, MLP comics and an episode of SMC came out recently. I've got nothing more to say about either of these at this time.

If they were to make a Kingdom Hearts 3.5 collection in the future, this is what I would want it to be. In keeping with the trend, it would be remastered versions of KH III and Dream Drop Distance, plus a cinematic of Birth By Sleep Volume 2 if they ever make that (which they probably won't either). I agree with HMK's top 10 things we need in KH III, particularly closure/answering all Xehanort-related questions and introducing a new problem. However, I think we're scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to keeping ourselves and others entertained with KH-related content. Looking at the types of videos certain people who force themselves to upload daily create, we need new canon material.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Laid Up

I added more to the short scene I posted a while ago wherein Dilan offered to teach meditation to a very young Ienzo. Ienzo ends up falling asleep anyway, and then there's another joke about Aeleus treating him like a pet by putting him in his lap. "For heaven's sake, he's not a cat." How did Dilan end up being the only one who knows how to take care of kids in these stories (including as Xaldin in other fan works such as Wexy)? Until we get more material in the form of KH3, I'm entertaining myself thus. Also I'm having trouble sleeping again. I hurt my wrist and now have time on my hands as I have to stay home from work to recover. Yay life.

Digimon and Power Rangers will probably return and continue their current seasons on Nickelodeon in the fall or late summer. In the meantime, I'm filling that Ranger void in my life by following Marzgurl's Seeing Sentai series and looking forward to Linkara's review of Samurai. He should have fun with that seeing how Bulk and Skull are involved.