Thursday, June 25, 2015

Bluh Bluh

Chobani and Oikos have been producing seasonal flavors, such as pumpkin, gingerbread, grape, and watermelon. I don't know if orange is considered seasonal, but it was good too. Watermelon didn't really taste like watermelon, but it was sweet and delicious. Pumpkin and orange tasted like you'd expect them to, and gingerbread wasn't too spicy at all. Grape tasted like grape-flavored chapstick, which is gross if you've ever tried it.

Looking forward to the CSI finale in September and hearing more KH news in November (not to mention the first of the new Digimon movies). Even if I don't get to 150 subscribers, I'd still like to do the comic dub, probably around mid-October. That's assuming I don't lose subscribers either, which is possible. I'd like to do a fake bleeps video too, but I don't think I can get the footage I'd need (I can only think of a couple I'd want to do anyway); I don't even have a sound effect for that yet. I haven't mentioned SMC or MLP in a while, mostly because I feel like I have nothing worthwhile to say about either of them right now.

The Batman: Arkham games, particularly the latest one, have a bad case of women in refrigerators. Most if not all of the female characters get captured and are used as bait or motivation to get the player to do or feel things. Some even die, which sucks. This has more to do with whoever wrote the subplots for the games rather than the franchise as a whole, though.

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