Thursday, July 2, 2015


Is it a meme to hate on the Irate Gamer? It seems almost everyone on Channel Awesome has made some sort of remark of that sort, the most recent being MikeJ this week. We get it, you all don't like him, move on. I really don't care for the Angry Video Game Nerd's brand of comedy and you don't see me harping on it constantly (if I did I'd get flamed though). Which brings me to the point of this little rant - how can people on the Internet who are clearly anti-bullying engage in behavior like this that closely resembles bullying? It's hypocrisy, in a way. And this is a real person, a reviewer like any other, not a character found in fiction. We each have our preferences of which reviews to watch, who we like and who we can't stand; we simply watch who we like and ignore who we don't, it's as simple as that. Reviews are usually meant to contain some constructive criticism amidst the jokes. It's not a punchline to say someone sucks when it's mostly a matter of opinion, even if it's the popular and prevailing one. Memes get old fast. Please give this one a rest already. I don't especially like Irate Gamer Chris Bores, but I am really getting sick of hearing about him. It's as bad as being in a fandom, and those are blowing up left and right. There are some videos explaining what's going on and why some people get involved in feuds or kicked out of fandoms, but I'm not really interested and won't waste my time on them. Creative differences happen, differences of opinion happen; some can be reconciled and others can't. That's all there is to it. Don't be sh*tty (that goes for both sides).

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