Friday, July 31, 2015

Due to Technical Difficulties

Earlier this week my laptop locked up due to a problem with the Windows software. I brought it in to Staples to get it fixed and still haven't gotten it back yet. Originally, I was going to upload my Digimon video tomorrow, but that isn't going to happen now. Instead, I will upload it in October sometime before the release date of Digimon Tri in November (since I have holiday videos slated for release in November, December, and January). As soon as I get it back or make other arrangements, I'll upload the fake bleeps video next month instead.

I've tried the Sprinkle Donut Captain Crunch and got a nostalgia overload. Hello, Sprinkle Spangles. I missed you. Except for the shape, it's basically the same product. It's also sweet like Rice Krispies Treats cereal that we no longer have either. The one thing I don't like them doing is smashing all the shapes and colors together into multi-colored balls. That doesn't seem as appealing. I also got blue raspberry flavored Pop-Tarts, which I would rank below Wild Berry but almost on the same level. And just in case you cared, yes I bought and am eating two other healthy cereals to balance out all this sugar.

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