Thursday, August 6, 2015


I still don't have my laptop back, but I'm posting this from my home computer since I came back to pay bills and whatnot today.
It may not be Vexen's fault that he comes across as being disagreeable - he was probably designed that way. Since he's number four, he was probably doomed from the very beginning; the fact that he was the first to die practically confirms it. Superstition finds its way into everything, and the number four in Japan is no exception. Four, or shi, represents death, bad luck, and overall negativity in that culture. It certainly doesn't justify calling him a loser, but I suppose that people deal with their superstitions in different ways.

A member of one of the D&D groups I'm part of posted a link to Geek and Sundry's Critical Role. I started watching it because I like Laura, Travis, Ashley, and Sam, and I was just becoming familiarized with Matt and Liam. Out of the other three I'm getting to see/hear for the first time, I have a soft spot for Taliesin. Because the characters I play as closely resemble Ashley's and Marisha's, I pay more attention to what they do, but I love everyone. My favorite quotes that I've heard so far are Sam's "No! Motherf*cker, miss!" and Laura's "You lost our flying carpet, you unconscious bastard!" At one point someone said they needed a child leash for Travis' character, to which I can relate because members of both my parties often charge in and get themselves killed just like he does, and it's my job to keep them alive. Hence my rant on how hard it is to be a cleric that I posted to HubPages. I received some backlash for it, as if I had implied that other classes don't have problems (particularly warriors). As mentioned earlier, I'm dealing with the type of people who just run headlong into situations without backup and just expect me to have unlimited heal spells.

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