Monday, August 24, 2015

Getting Caught Up

Almost caught up with Critical Role, just the second team's quest to go. You could create a drinking game out of watching each episode, such as every time Laura says they're all going to die or when Taliesin face-palms and so on. The antics of late have been nothing short of astounding, as have the rolls (many with back-to-back ones and twenties). For instance, Liam rolled a one, setting off a trap, but rolled well enough not to take any damage while the rest of his companions did. Later, he told Matt to eat a bag of dicks and pretended to slit his throat; that sounds worse than it actually was. Of course, Sam harmonizing with the background music is a treat for the ears as well.

On Brad's recommendation, I went back to Subway and got a small bag of the Southern Biscuits and Gravy. At first it tasted like something you would get at Popeye's, but it really is a great breakfast snack. I also hope this one wins.

I'm going on vacation for the next few days, so it's a good thing I finished this month's story plus two hub articles I'd been holding out on. I even went back and did a successful continuity sweep. Unfortunately, I have lost a couple followers both on Hubpages and YouTube, like I knew would happen because it's me. Just a typical end to a typical week in my everyday life.

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