Saturday, August 15, 2015

Got My Laptop Back

I finally got my laptop back and am finishing up putting things back together since they had to save all of my files and reset it. I don't remember all the pages I'd bookmarked but I think I got all the important ones back. Hopefully everything will be back to normal, or as normal as it can be now. It's still not the same, but I'm not yet sure if it's better or worse. At least it's working and not locked. Anyway, I've got a vacation coming up and I'm really looking forward to some down time. It's halfway through the month and I'm halfway through the story I scheduled myself to write. Maybe I've set my sights too high with everything I want to accomplish before or during vacation, but hopefully I will come out of it feeling pretty happy.

The F part of Tales of Graces F felt like someone's fan fiction. They easily could have done without it, but it had some good ideas. Even though I thought it was stupid at first, I was a little disappointed when Pascal and Hubert didn't quite get together in the end.

I saw at the store that they've taken all the slightly burned Cheez-Its and turned them into a variety called "tanned." I almost bought them but I wasn't going to eat a whole box of only burned Cheez-Its; I only like them popping up occasionally, but now that probably means the regular boxes should be free of burned ones, right?

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