Thursday, August 6, 2015


Alpha and Omega Family Vacation - the fifth installment, and they're still not done. There's gonna be at least three more of these things. Why?! Anyway, this one opens and closes on a lot of idle chatter, the kind you'd encounter on any family road trip movie except this family isn't trapped in a car on the highway. I haven't seen any of the National Lampoon Vacation movies, but I thought it would be something like that. It wasn't, as the problem of humans hunting wolves for relocation purposes returns but under different circumstances. Rather than repopulation, they make it sound like the wolves are hunting all the caribou, but the wolves think the humans have driven the caribou away due to deforestation. However, that's an argument for another day, as the movie then becomes about the family of wolves evading the non-lethal hunters (which is specified several times) with the help of some of their friends rather than a vacation, though they eventually get to their destination. This is also fairly skippable, as it's the equivalent of a clip show episode with several flashbacks to the previous movies, including redubbed and reanimated clips from the first movie. Don't buy this unless you're into painful puns, outdated references, and quite possibly hate your children. Some of the writing is clever but overall it's pretty cringeworthy. The worst thing they did was split up the librarian and biker couple from the first movie. The librarian's in this one, and she's pretty awesome when she lets the wolves go free. Why couldn't the biker guy have been there too? Their relationship was symbolic of opposites attracting which made it okay for an alpha and an omega to be together!

Christopher Lloyd voices a character in the new King's Quest game. Based on that and what I'd mentioned before, I still think he would be a decent replacement for Leonard Nimoy as Master Xehanort. Unfortunately, the new King's Quest comes at the expense of Homestuck, and that's not okay, even if the deadlines for the game and the comic keep getting pushed back. There's been some debate as to whether or not Frozen should appear in Kingdom Hearts III, but I couldn't really care less. If we're getting mostly new worlds, we're getting new worlds and that's that. However, one world we can all agree should never be in Kingdom Hearts is Arcadia Bay from Life Is Strange (a Square Enix game). Or maybe I'm just salty after what happened in the most recent episode. My suspicions were correct, though - Mr. Jefferson is the ringmaster of the dark carnival.

Out of the eight main characters of Drawn Together, my favorite is definitely Foxxy Love. Not only is she voiced by Cree Summer, but most of the time she is the voice of reason. Toot is my second favorite because Tara Strong had a blast voicing her and she's got a great attitude when she's not being a self-destructive bitch. Ling Ling is third because he's an adorable murder machine like the abridged version of Pikachu. Xandir got bumped to fourth (swapping with Toot) because he became a caricature of himself as time went on. He was at his best when he was just being himself and having to put up with Captain Hero's nonsense.

Subway had personal sized bags of the Do Us A Flavor chips for once, so I decided to try Truffle Fries since it's the only one that's potato based in the first place. They were pretty good and resembled the picture on the bag.

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