Sunday, July 5, 2015

Bi-Weekly Roundup

Another season of Hetalia has just started. Why am I not as enthusiastic as before? Last season ended with the gender-swapped versions of some of the characters, and this one started with the cat versions. Last season was called The Beautiful World and this one is The World Twinkle. I guess things have gotten so bleak that not even this can take my mind off of the world's problems, especially if I may not get to see the dubbed version when it comes out.

SMC abridged jokes, penultimate episode: Pluto dying because she's not a real planet ("Damn you, Neil DeGrasse Tyson"), calling Wiseman the Phantom Menace, and replacing Nemesis with the moon from Majora's Mask. I'm disappointed that it's going down this way as opposed to the original series, in which Chibi-Usa didn't become Mini Moon until she showed up in the third season. Also, Pluto didn't die until she had to stop time on another occasion. But if they couldn't get over to Diamond in time I guess it was called for here ("I'mma do it! I'mma f*cking do it!").

MLP was again trying to tie up loose ends with Twilight trying to make amends with her friends from before she moved to Ponyville (like Dash did, and the most recent comic which Fluttershy thought was going to turn into the movie Carrie). While they did keep the canon references to the wedding and such, they glossed over Lyra and made her inconsequential (really? After the slice of life episode with her in it?!). Either way, here are some more characters Twilight had forgotten until now, even when a couple of them were right in front of her. She is a walking oxymoron.

I just saw Brad Tries hotdog pizza. While I like pigs-in-blankets, I don't think I'd like this, especially the pretzel crust one.On the subject of fast food, though, I now compare McDonald's cheeseburgers to the ones in its counterpart in Invader ZIM, MacMeaty's. in that they taste sort of like they are made out of napkins. When I was a kid, people used to talk about how acres of the rainforest are cut down to make cheeseburgers, which made me think the burgers were made out of the ground-up trees. What they really meant was they had to cut down the trees to make pastures for cows, but why the rainforest? Wouldn't the climate be too hot for cows? Or were they lying to me this whole time?

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