Sunday, July 19, 2015

To Be Continued?

I don't know how to feel about Equestria Girls 3 yet, but Diamanda Hagan's review of the first one was pretty funny. While MLP is enjoying its midseason hiatus, SMC has come to an end, at least for now. They set up a bunch of stuff for the S arc, but the series was only contracted for 26 episodes, so we'll have to see when they go back into production. Anyone else feel it was a bit off when Neo Queen Serenity upgraded the Scouts' powers even though they haven't been allowed to do much the entire time? I'm at least happy that I found a place to watch Okamisan and Soul Eater NOT dubbed online in the meantime. I'm getting excited about the 20th anniversary special for Yu-Gi-Oh! that's coming out in Japan next year. It'll probably sound weird if they can't get the English voice cast back to dub it (since 4Kids went under and Dan Green retired), but it should still be good. At least, I hope it will. I'm just glad to see the gang again, especially Ryou (though I don't know why he's the only one not wearing his uniform in the footage we saw).

For some reason I have a strong urge to draw Ienzo eating a blueberry muffin, or at least holding one. I've got muffins on the brain lately, I guess.

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