Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Christopher Lee's Fireside Tales

With KHIII still marked as in development, I have made some decisions. I have 149 subscribers to my YouTube channel, so when I make it to 150 I will make and post a new comic dub. I'm really excited about this one (even though it's going to be a Birth By Sleep comic and not an Organization XIII or even an apprentice comic). The KH amv will have to wait until III actually comes out. Also, in memory of Christopher Lee, I have paid tribute to him directly in this next piece, in which I have quoted the intro to some of his readings. He was the first to voice Ansem (albeit as DiZ), so his voice is the one I hear in my head when I write about Ansem reading bedtime stories to Ienzo.

Ansem was talking to Mickey in his office when there was a gentle knock at the door. "Come in," Ansem beckoned.
Ienzo, who was not yet a full apprentice, returned from his errand. "Here's the book you were looking for," he said, walking up to the desk and putting it down.
"Thank you." Ansem noticed that Ienzo was looking at Mickey. "Ienzo, it's not polite to stare. Greet people properly."
Ienzo bowed his head respectfully. "Right. Sorry. It's nice to meet you."
Ansem introduced them and sent Ienzo on his way. "If you're finished with your studies for today, you may assist Even in the lab."
"He says he doesn't need my help," Ienzo replied, somewhat disappointed.
"Is that so? Well, as long as you promise to stay out of trouble, I suppose you may do as you wish for the rest of the day."
"Thank you, Master." Ienzo eagerly ran from the room, pausing momentarily to bid farewell to Mickey.
Whenever Ienzo felt lonely, he'd think of the books in the library as his companions. He wanted to understand everything and so left no stone unturned. Only one thing could pull him away from this extracurricular activity, and that was when Ansem called him to bed. "It's getting late. Time for your story, I think." Ienzo nodded and gladly took his hand, thrilled to hear another macabre tale.

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