Thursday, June 11, 2015

Don't Stop Believing

More people are leaving the MLP fandom in anger and disgust. It's hard to know how much of it is from the show itself (Hasbro's executive meddling) and how much is brony zealots on the Internet. Whatever it is, the trend is clear: people are becoming sick of being online reviewers because they either grow tired of their subject matter or the commenters on their videos. I believe that something started must be finished, but that's not the reality we live in. As for me, I'm trying to finish all the writing projects I had set for myself years ago. Because the Pokemon franchise will likely never die, neither will the fan fic I co-wrote with one of my friends back in high school; I'll just have to keep updating it every now and then. I've also decided not to scrap the third set of stories in one of my projects because I believe I can salvage it. That will be finished by the end of this year, and then I can do the spin-off series of the project I finished last month. Otherwise, MLP comics and an episode of SMC came out recently. I've got nothing more to say about either of these at this time.

If they were to make a Kingdom Hearts 3.5 collection in the future, this is what I would want it to be. In keeping with the trend, it would be remastered versions of KH III and Dream Drop Distance, plus a cinematic of Birth By Sleep Volume 2 if they ever make that (which they probably won't either). I agree with HMK's top 10 things we need in KH III, particularly closure/answering all Xehanort-related questions and introducing a new problem. However, I think we're scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to keeping ourselves and others entertained with KH-related content. Looking at the types of videos certain people who force themselves to upload daily create, we need new canon material.

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