Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Laid Up

I added more to the short scene I posted a while ago wherein Dilan offered to teach meditation to a very young Ienzo. Ienzo ends up falling asleep anyway, and then there's another joke about Aeleus treating him like a pet by putting him in his lap. "For heaven's sake, he's not a cat." How did Dilan end up being the only one who knows how to take care of kids in these stories (including as Xaldin in other fan works such as Wexy)? Until we get more material in the form of KH3, I'm entertaining myself thus. Also I'm having trouble sleeping again. I hurt my wrist and now have time on my hands as I have to stay home from work to recover. Yay life.

Digimon and Power Rangers will probably return and continue their current seasons on Nickelodeon in the fall or late summer. In the meantime, I'm filling that Ranger void in my life by following Marzgurl's Seeing Sentai series and looking forward to Linkara's review of Samurai. He should have fun with that seeing how Bulk and Skull are involved.

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