Sunday, May 31, 2015


I took a quiz for Persona arcanas and got Priestess, so I guess I'm Yukiko then...or Fuuka. Fuuka reminds me of Osaka from Azumanga Daioh. Anyway, it's the arcana I would've chosen for myself anyway after reading a book about them, so I'm happy.

I'm working on a short backstory for Ansem the Wise just like I did with the apprentices. I wasn't going to at first because I don't know that much about him, but I decided to work with what I did know or at least assume.
"The Master's Heart"
    Ansem grew up in the castle of Radiant Garden, as his parents were in charge before he was. He often wondered what kind of ruler he'd be when it was his turn. One day, he went for a walk outside by himself. He saw a cat limping and wanted to take care of it, but first he had to gain its trust. He went back to the castle and nicked some food and gauze without being noticed. After he gave it the food, the cat allowed him to pet it. He then was able to bandage its leg. Because it did not have a collar, he decided to take it back with him to show his parents. "I'd like to keep it here, at least until it gets better," he told them.
    His parents agreed to let him take in the cat for a short time but scolded him for not letting them know what he was doing first. Ansem was sad when he finally let the cat go, but he was glad that he had been able to help it. "I want to be able to help people, too," he said. "I want to remove the hurt from this world."
    Ansem grew up to be a kind and gentle ruler. While he could be overexcited at times and misjudge a situation, he liked to believe in the good in people and help those in need.
    Even dragged Ienzo into Ansem's office to have him punished for going outside on his own while the Unversed were attacking. After Even left the room, Ansem asked Ienzo neutrally, "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" Ienzo didn't speak; instead, he stared at the floor and fidgeted with his hands. Ansem sighed. "I can't help you if you don't tell me your side of the story."
    "I didn't mean to do anything wrong," Ienzo whispered at last. "I was just curious..."
    "From what I understand, those monsters aren't like normal animals."
    "They looked different, but they acted the same. I stared them a snake." Ienzo lifted his head, his eyes shining in excitement over his brief encounter.
    "Snakes are dangerous too." Ansem smiled wryly, understanding how his own parents must have felt. He understood Ienzo's feelings as well. "I know you must be bored when you have to be cooped up in here, but you need to be more careful when you decide to venture out."
    "When the boy told me to run, I ran. When Even called me over, I came back," Ienzo explained. "I stayed calm the whole time."
    "I appreciate your honesty. You're a brave one, Ienzo. Just don't scare us like that again."
    "All right. Sorry, Master." Ienzo looked down again pensively.
    Ansem patted Ienzo on the head. "Apology accepted."
    "You're not angry?" Ienzo asked, confused by the apparent lack of punishment.
    "I think Even was angry enough, but it's best that you stay close for the time being."
    Ienzo frowned. "So I am grounded?"
    "If you'd like to think of it that way, then yes. I would just prefer having you by my side."

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