Sunday, May 24, 2015

Lessons Learned

As everyone predicted, the latest episode of MLP was about Gilda and the Griffon Kingdom. Turns out it sucks, literally a land without feelings like something out of a Care Bears movie. However, it wasn't so much a friendship mission like the season opener as it was the writers throwing the fans a bone and having Pinkie and Dash make up with Gilda. The only time Gilda can recall being happy is when she was at flight camp with Rainbow Dash when they were little kids (Rainbow Dash didn't even have her cutie mark yet in that flashback). Gilda and Dash are still bitter about the events of "Griffon the Brush-off," but as stated in the "What I Learned Today" fan video, griffons are jerks. Gilda is not a jerk, however; she's a tsundere. Dash and Pinkie leave her to make friends with the griffons on her own. Meanwhile, Gummy has probably burned down the bakery (we see that he hasn't, but come on). That's another thing that annoys me about this episode. It started off with Pinkie having a whole day of baking ahead of her, but then the story's like "Nope! Plot!"

I've been trying to write a story about Even learning how to use a computer since he is the only one of the apprentices who doesn't seem to know how. Here's a rough draft:
As Even was the only apprentice who wasn't computer literate, Ansem decided it was time that he was forced to learn. "Ienzo has his own duties now. He will not have time to continue typing up reports and entering data for you," he told Even sternly.
    "Yeah, Even," Braig teased. "Get with the times."
    "You know how to use computers, Braig?" Even asked skeptically.
    "Of course. I'm not stuck in my ways like you."
    Grudgingly, Even allowed Ienzo to start teaching him. "How are you doing that?" he asked incredulously when Ienzo demonstrated how to use a keyboard.
    "What?" Ienzo asked.
    "You're not even looking at your hands."
    "You'll get used to it. I do a lot of typing," Ienzo replied pointedly.
    Even frowned in concentration; gradually, he got the hang of it. Next he had to learn the functions of all the other buttons. He drew a diagram in his notebook and wrote it all down.
    "Notes will only get you so far. It's more about muscle memory the more you do it," Ienzo told him.
    "Writing out long-hand is just how I think," Even explained. "How did you learn?"
    "Master Ansem taught me by showing me what to do."
    "Yes, well, Master Ansem is a brilliant machinist, and you had the privilege of learning while you were still young. I don't fall into either category."
    "So it'll take you a bit longer. So what?"
    "Do you know how much this hurts my pride being the only one who can't do something?"
    "Yes, which is why I'm doing my best to help you."
    Knowing that Ienzo understood him made him less agitated. It didn't make learning the more complex routines any easier, but Ienzo was patient with him and gave him advice.
    "You did a great job with him," Ansem commented. "You'll make a fair leader someday."
    "I'm happy with the way things are now," Ienzo replied. The thought of anything else changing chilled him.

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