Friday, May 29, 2015

Putting It Together

I had another idea for a cute flashback scene with Ienzo, but then I had nowhere to go with it. I wasn't sure how to frame it, and there was really no point to it other than just being a cute mental image. So here it is anyway.
Aeleus was in the kitchen making lunch for himself when he heard a noise coming from under the table. He looked down and saw the toddler playing on the floor. Ienzo looked up and smiled at him before returning to stacking blocks, which were more appropriate for his tiny hands than the books in the library. Having a soft spot for the kid, Aeleus broke off a small piece of bread, put a drop of honey on it, and gave it to him. Ienzo put it in his mouth and chewed on it blissfully.
    "He's not a dog, Aeleus," Dilan chided, having come in to make his own lunch.
    "I know that," Aeleus said.
    "It's a little strange that he's in here without any supervision, though."
    "I've seen him in the library. Stacking things keeps him occupied for hours."
    "Hey, look who's built himself a fort," Braig commented, taking a break as well. Indeed, the stacks of blocks seemed almost strategically placed to mark what would have been the outer wall of the table. "Can I play, too?"
    "No," Ienzo replied. Braig seemed taken aback by this.
    "Just leave him be," Dilan advised. "People aren't your playthings. Let him come to you."
    "Are you behaving yourself?" James asked, checking in on his child.
    "Papa!" Ienzo exclaimed excitedly, crawling out from under the table.
    James picked him up and gave him a hug. "I missed you."
    "Can't compete with that," Braig remarked.
    "Where is everyone else?" Dilan inquired.
    "In the library," James answered. "They should be here shortly." Ienzo tried to take his glasses again, but he stopped him. "What did I tell you about that? Stop," he scolded gently. He didn't expect Ienzo to remember, but he thought if he told him enough times, he'd get it eventually.

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