Sunday, May 17, 2015


Not much to say about SMC and MLP this week. Sailor Venus is sick of being left behind, which wouldn't have been an issue if she had just been kidnapped like everyone else. Rubeus was written off by questioning Wiseman's decisions and running for his life, only to be choked to death. It was cool seeing him help Sapphire along, though. In the first version it was Sapphire who came across as sympathetic, which he almost did this time too until he tried to kill Usagi. I forget if he did that or not last time, but he was in a relationship with Prisma and that's all I cared about. As for MLP, it didn't focus on what I thought I would (Treehugger came out of nowhere but at least Fluttershy's trip to see the Breezies amounted to something). Considering what happened at the last gala, I consider what happened this time bullshit. Why would they expect anything different? Why would they take their sisters to something that sucked the first time around? Did Twilight not have a plus one? Spike did the smart thing and stayed away. Celestia trolled Twilight hard this time around in much the same way as the first. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. I guess I liked Fluttershy's Princess Leia buns, but that's about it.

Today I played the Big Bang Theory trivia game with my family, and we quickly abandoned the game play because we couldn't get the pieces to stay on the board. We just took turns answering trivia questions, and nobody won since we weren't able to collect one of each character card. So we declared the person with the most cards the winner. Then for the hell of it we took turns answering the remaining questions, which was exhausting. The questions ranged from very easy to very hard and only cover the first few seasons. I would not recommend this game unless you are obsessed with the show and have nothing better to do on a Sunday night. If you have Apples to Apples or any variation on that (Mike Jeavons has a project on Kickstarter called Fantastic Storytelling), I suggest you do that instead.

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