Sunday, May 10, 2015

Good and Bad

I had three days off last week, and they were pretty good ones. On Sunday, I cleaned the kitchen and kept the party alive at D&D. Monday, I made and uploaded my Tales of the Abyss video. Thursday, I made my next Digimon video, which I'm going to upload on 8/1. Hopefully this one won't get taken down for copyright like all the other Digimon videos before it. After that, it all fell apart. On Friday I had to spend half my shift outside mostly by myself, and then the next day I had to cover for people because they didn't want the guys outside alone. I get no consideration when I'm alone, but the guys do, apparently. Sometimes I hate my job. Yesterday was the worst for other reasons as well, such as stuff breaking or getting spilled almost constantly. And I am sick of all the goddamn flowers all around my workspace because our floral department is too small. I don't hate flowers, but I don't like bees, and I've been going through a pack of tissues a day from all the pollen.

No new Sailor Moon or MLP this week, so it's time to talk about other things. I've been thinking about what I'd ask some voice actors to say if I ever got to meet them in person (preferably with a camera with me). I'd ask Derek Stephen Prince to say something nice to me as Even (even though death threats from Vexen are pretty thrilling too); I'd ask David Dayan Fisher to tell me to piss off as Xaldin (or maybe a depressed Dilan); I'd ask Paul St. Peter to say "Luke, I am your father" as Xemnas/Duke Fabre.

Out of all the new Channel Awesome contributors, I'm only paying attention to Calluna and Some Jerk With A Camera. This is because of Some Jerk's crossover with Oancitizen and the nature of Calluna's reviews.

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