Sunday, May 3, 2015


More SMC abridged jokes! I'd rename Tuxedo Mask's attack "La Bamba!" for starters. In the brief scene where Ami, Rei, and Makoto wake up (only to get knocked right back out), I'd use the joke TFS made about the characters sitting around doing nothing - "Hey, remember when we used to be relevant?" At the end of the episode, Chibi-Usa would probably say outright that she didn't want Pluto to be her new mommy. Also, more harem jokes. Because that joke will never get old.

I'm not really sure how to feel about "Appleoosa's Most Wanted." It's a CMC episode, so I was all set to not like it, but they weren't the unlikeable ones. As usual, it was the Appleoosans themselves who were the problem, prejudging Troubleshoes just like they prejudged the buffalo. Still, the CMC could have tried harder to clear things up at first, but then we wouldn't have an episode I guess. I couldn't help feeling empathy for Troubleshoes. He wanted to compete in rodeos, but his destiny was to be a rodeo clown instead because of his clumsiness. I have to work at being smart, and sometimes it doesn't pay off. It seems I'm just destined to be an average human, and I'm going to have to find a way to be okay with that like Troubleshoes did. For some reason I enjoyed seeing Brayburn as the butt monkey in this outing; I'm not sure why.

I've been trying to figure out a list of my favorite Power Rangers episodes, but since it's been over twenty years now, that's going to be kind of hard to do. One of them would have to be "Bloom of Doom" from Mighty Morphin. Add to that the episode of In Space where Cassie and Ashley are having a fight. Granted Ashley and Cassie's fight was stupid and real whereas Kimberly was being mind-poisoned against Trini, who had no idea what was even going on. The In Space episode had a great ending to it as well. I suppose I should also add the Lost Galaxy episode about Kendrix and Maya, but I don't really have strong feelings for that one either way.

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