Thursday, December 3, 2015

Filler Talk

The Atop the Fourth Wall movie was a sequel to To Boldly Flee. As hinted at in two of the Nostalgia Critic's previous reviews (Superman and Planet of the Apes), the villains didn't die at the end of that one. Mechakara came back just like Zod and Turl. That being said, it was an okay movie. I'm looking forward to History of Power Rangers finishing up this month so that the next installment won't be for another year when Super Dino Charge (or Dino Super Charge) concludes. Dino Charge itself hasn't been as bad as previous installments, as it's pretty well acted and written. I mean, it tries to be cute and fails sometimes, but the actors seem to be having fun at least.

I've been working on short segments of Kingdom Hearts fan fictions, but the lack of knowledge is preventing me from making stuff up accurately. For instance, I have no idea what the apprentices actually do on a day-to-day basis for work, let alone what Ienzo would do as a kid if he had to play outside. Filling in the blanks is tougher than it sounds, even if you've technically lived some of it. I'm talking of course about the experiences I've projected onto Kagemiya in order to better deal with it myself. I thought of this exchange:
Braig put Kagemiya down on the table as Even activated a heart monitoring device. "I'll need you to open her shirt so I can attach these electrodes," Even instructed.
"Eh, really?" Braig asked uncomfortably.
"Oh please. Don't be so immature."
"I'm not being immature. I'm trying not to be a pervert, here."
"Just do it, Braig. It's basic anatomy."
"You do it," Braig shot back.
"All right, then you get this IV drip started," Even countered, knowing his friend couldn't.
"I hate needles...Fine," Braig grumbled. He unbuttoned Kagemiya's blouse and tried not to look. Even noticed the readout and administered medicine accordingly. The two then reported back to Ansem and Ienzo, who were waiting in the hallway.

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